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NOU 2012: 16 - Cost-Benefit Analysis
05/02/2013 Norwegian Official Report (NOU) Ministry of Finance -
The Folk High School Act
20/09/2019 Law Ministry of Education and ResearchThe objective of this Act is to enable the establishment and operation of folk high schools inNorway. The term “folkehøyskole” (Folk High School) must be included in the school name,and only schools approved pursuant to Section 2 of this Act may use
NOU 2011: 11 - Innovation in the Care Services
16/06/2011 Norwegian Official Report (NOU) Ministry of Health and Care Services -
The Defence Budget 2001 - Short version
11/10/2000 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of DefenceThe Government proposes to allocate NOK 27.23 billion for Defence in the year 2001. Of this total, NOK 1.92 billion is earmarked for international operations. The Defence Budget proposes no major changes in the Norwegian Defence structure in
The Norwegian Government Policy for Electronic Commerce
13/06/2000 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of Trade, Industry and FisheriesThe Norwegian Government policy for Electronic Commerce based on White Paper No. 41 1998-99 Electronic Commerce Vision Norway will continue to be at the forefront, while charting a conscious course with regard to the social aspects of IT development
Business and industry in Norway - Preface
26/06/2001 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of Trade, Industry and FisheriesNorwegian industry will face a number of changes in the years to come - changes that will affect the established industries’ future value creation and create a framework for new businesses. In addition to the fact that Norway must actively relate to
Business and industry in Norway - About Norwegian trade and industry
26/06/2001 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of Trade, Industry and FisheriesThe Norwegian welfare state is based on a profitable business sector trading with other countries. This publication presents a brief overview of Norwegian industry. We will also touch on the driving forces and trends that have created our current
Business and industry in Norway - The timber and pulp and paper industry
28/06/2001 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of Trade, Industry and FisheriesWood products Pulp and paper Number of companies 1051 33 Number of employees 15531 6120 This sector’s export share 40 90 Gross product in percentage 0,6 0,8 Norway has vast forests, and timber is the most important raw material for its
Business and industry in Norway - 2) Technology-based industries
28/06/2001 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of Trade, Industry and FisheriesThe past few years have seen the formation of a number of companies that use advanced technology and specialist expertise to manufacture goods for niches in the market. Many have a background in the shipbuilding and electrotechnical industries,
Business and industry in Norway - The chemical industry
28/06/2001 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of Trade, Industry and FisheriesNumber of companies 557 Number of employees 21973 This sector’s export share 59 Gross product in percentage 2,2 The chemical industry in Norway is very diverse, consisting of everything from small niche companies manufacturing for the domestic
Business and industry in Norway - The textile and ready-made clothing industry
28/06/2001 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of Trade, Industry and FisheriesNumber of companies 542 Number of employees 7960 This sector’s export share 50 Gross product in percentage 0,3 The textile and ready-made clothing industry includes companies that cover a wide range when it comes to raw materials, production
Business and industry in Norway - Wholesale and retail trades
28/06/2001 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of Trade, Industry and FisheriesNumber of employees 302 400 Gross product in percentage 14,34 The wholesale and retail trades make up a significant part of Norway’s economy, and increased sales have led to the formation of many new companies and a doubling of the number of people
Business and industry in Norway - The business-services industry
28/06/2001 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of Trade, Industry and FisheriesNumber of employees 172270 Number of companies 47547 Gross production value in billions 55,9 Gross product in percentage 10,1 The term business services is used to describe the work of companies that supply services to the rest of industry. Like the
Business and industry in Norway - 4) Information and communication
28/06/2001 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of Trade, Industry and FisheriesNumber of employees 78 635 Number of companies 9 112 Turnover NOK 182,1 billion Information and communication technology (ICT) is a large and rapidly growing industry that is becoming increasingly important to Norwegian commerce. The ICT business
Facts 2004 The energy sector and water resources in Norway
12/09/2002 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of EnergyThe Energy Sector and Water Resources in Norway 2004 The Ministry of Petroleum and Energy publishes an English translation of this facts 2004 on the energy sector and water resources in Norway every other year. The publication provides information
Integrated care
28/01/2002 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of Justice and Public SecurityIntegrated care This document is in a PDF-format. You can download Adobe Acrobat Reader free of charge. Integrated care Guidelines for the action required and the assignment of administrative responsibilities in the aftermath of accidents and
Fact Sheet 2002 Norwegian Petroleum Activity
26/03/2002 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of EnergyFact Sheet 2002 Norwegian Petroleum Activity The Ministry of Petroleum and Energy publishes the Fact Sheet Norwegian Petroleum Activity annually. Most aspects of Norway's petroleum operations are presented. Here you will find an overview of fields
Norwegian defence-related cooperation with the Baltic states
12/04/2002 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of DefenceNorsk politikk i etterkrigstiden har bare i mindre grad vært rettet mot Baltikum. Uavhengigheten for de baltiske stater i 1991 endret imidlertid dette. TekstutgaveTekstutgave (pdf-format, krever Acrobat reader, kan lastes gratis ned her.
Implementation proposition - Norwegian defence reform - Short version
17/04/2002 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of DefenceThe implementation proposition. A short version Government proposition No. 55 (2001-2002) (pdf)
NORDCAPS - MOU between Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden
29/04/2002 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of Defence