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  • Meld. St. 37 (2014–2015) - Global security challenges in Norway’s foreign policy

    Terrorism, organised crime, piracy and cyber threats

    19/06/2015 Report to the Storting Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    This is the first white paper to take a coherent approach to global security challenges, security and development policy. The Government has chosen to focus on four areas: terrorism, organised crime, piracy and cyber threats. These all have serious

  • The Government's Work Programme for Cooperation with the EU 2015

    18/06/2015 Plans/strategy Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    The Government adopted its work programme for cooperation with the EU 2015 in February.

  • Meld. St. 32 (2014–2015) - Norwegian Interests and Policy in the Antarctic

    12/06/2015 Report to the Storting Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    This is the first time a Norwegian Government has presented a white paper that provides a complete overview of Norway's interests and policy in the Antarctic. Norwegian Antarctic policy is based on recognition of the need to maintain Norway's

  • Meld. St. 29 (2014–2015) - Globalisation and trade: Trade policy challenges and opportunities for Norway

    Meld. St. 29 (2014–2015) Report to the Storting (white paper) Summary

    29/05/2015 Report to the Storting Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    The white paper presents ongoing changes in the Norwegian and global economy, as well as global trade cooperation. It also discusses the consequences these changes have on the Norwegian efforts to negotiate and take advantage of trade agreements in

  • Norway and the EU - Partners for Europe

    18/03/2015 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Norway shares a common set of values with the EU and its member states, and we are working together to find joint solutions to common challenges.

  • Report on policy coherence for development

    13/03/2015 Report Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    This year's report to the Storting on policy coherence for development is about how Norwegian policies could affect efforts to achieve the new Sustainable Development Goals, the SDGs, as they were discussed in the UN Open Working Group around mid-

  • Ten facts about the EEA

    12/01/2015 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    The European Economic Area - binding together the EU and Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein

  • Meld. St. 10 (2014–2015) - Opportunities for All: Human Rights in Norway’s Foreign Policy and Development Cooperation

    Meld. St. 10 (2014–2015) Report to the Storting (white paper)

    12/12/2014 Report to the Storting Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    The white paper sets out the main priorities of Norway’s efforts to promote human rights in its foreign policy and development cooperation. It describes how Norway’s efforts to promote and protect human rights will be mainstreamed into all aspects

  • Norway’s Arctic Policy for 2014 and beyond - a Summary

    10/11/2014 Report Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    The world is turning its attention towards the Arctic now more than at any time in the past. The Arctic is a region of significant and increasing geopolitical importance. It is key to our ability to understand and manage climate change, and its

  • Norway's arctic policy

    10/11/2014 Report Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    The report "Norway's arctic policy: Creating value, managing resources, confronting climate change and fostering knowledge. Developments in the Arctic concern us all." was presented by Prime Minister Erna Solberg and Minister of Foreign Affairs, 

  • Norway’s humanitarian policy

    Annual report 2013

    31/10/2014 Report Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    War and conflict again had an enormous human cost in 2013. Lives were lost, people were seriously injured and children’s schooling was interrupted. Millions of displaced persons lacked food, water and shelter. All this was the consequence of

  • Meld. St. 25 (2013-2014) - Education for Development

    13/06/2014 Report to the Storting Ministry of Foreign Affairs

  • Norway in Europe. The Norwegian Government's Strategy for Cooperation with the EU 2014-2017

    13/06/2014 Plans/strategy Ministry of Foreign Affairs

  • Letter to the EU Commission on climate and energy policies

    19/12/2013 Letter Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    The ministers Vidar Helgesen (Ministry of Foreign Affairs), Tine Sundtoft (Ministry of the Environment) og Tord Lien (Ministry of Petroleum and Energy) have sendt a letter to the European Commission with the Norwegian Government's views on the 2030

  • Guidelines on Norway’s human rights policy

    11/10/2013 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    The promotion of human rights is a key component of Norway’s foreign and development policy. As part of its efforts to ensure an integrated human rights policy, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has published several sets of guidelines on different

  • Women, Peace and Security: Progress Report 2012

    20/09/2013 Report Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    The second progress report on the Government's implementation of Norway's strategic plan provides an overview of Norway’s priorities as well as examples of activities and results from 2012. It also identifies challenges and priority areas for Norway

  • Equal rights - equal opportunities

    30/08/2013 Plans/strategy Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Action Plan for Women's Rights and Gender Equality in Foreign and Development Policy 2013-15.

  • The Arctic - major opportunities – major responsibilities

    21/08/2013 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Developments in the north are creating major opportunities for Norway, but also entail major responsibilities. This is why the Arctic has been Norway’s top foreign policy priority for almost a decade. This brochure gives you a glimpse of some

  • Conference report "Right-wing Extremism and Hate Crime"

    11/06/2013 Report Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    In May 2013, international experts and stakeholders gathered in Oslo for a two-day conference on right-wing extremism and hate crime directed towards minorities in Europe and beyond. Now you can read the report from the conference.

  • Food Security in a Climate Perspective

    14/05/2013 Plans/strategy Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    A Strategy developed in cooperation with Ministry of Agriculture and Food, Ministry of Fisheries and Coastal Affairs and Ministry of the Environment.

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