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Norway's National Plan related to the Decision of the EEA Joint Committee No. 269/2019 of 25 October 2019
20/12/2019 Plans/strategy Ministry of Climate and EnvironmentNorway's nationally determined contribution under the Paris Agreement is to reduce our emissions by at least 40 per cent compared to 1990 levels by 2030. Norway will cooperate with Iceland and EU to fulfil their respective emission reduction targets
Meld. St. 11 (2019–2020) Report to the Storting (white paper), Summary - Digital transformation and development policy
13/12/2019 Report to the Storting Ministry of Foreign Affairs"Digital Transformation and Norwegian Development Policy" is intended to contribute to more effective development co-operation, ensure that no one is left behind and that developing countries have capacities to participate and make use of digital
Reply to ESA: Request for information concerning the exportability of Norwegian sickness benefits, work assessment allowance and care allowance
11/12/2019 Letter Ministry of Labour and Social InclusionReply to EFTA Surveillance Authority, in response of their letter dated November 4th 2019: Request for information concerning the exportability of Norwegian sickness benefits, work assessment allowance and care allowance.
Rules for marrying abroad
04/12/2019 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of Children and FamiliesThe Norwegian Marriage Act regulates recognition of marriages entered into abroad.
Meld. St. 7 (2019–2020) - National Health and Hospital Plan 2020–2023
22/11/2019 Report to the Storting Ministry of Health and Care Services -
Meld. St. 8 (2019–2020) - The state’s direct ownership of companies
Meld. St. 8 (2019–2020) Report to the Storting (white paper)
22/11/2019 Report to the Storting Ministry of Trade, Industry and FisheriesIn the white paper on ownership policy, the Government describes why the state has direct ownership interests in companies, what the state owns and how the state exercises its ownership.
Integration through knowledge
18/11/2019 Report Ministry of Labour and Social InclusionOne of the Norwegian Government’s main projects is to intensify efforts to promote integration. The aim is to increase immigrants’ participation in working life and in society in general. Those who are going to start a new life in Norway must be a
NOU 2019: 18 - Chapter 1: Introduction and summary
04/11/2019 Norwegian Official Report (NOU) Ministry of Finance -
Letter to Ursula von der Leyen about climate leadership
24/10/2019 Letter Office of the Prime MinisterLetter from Prime Minister Erna Solberg to EU-president Ursula von der Leyen on the 24th of October 2019.
Network of public spaces - an idea handbook
23/10/2019 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of Local Government and Regional DevelopmentThe idea handbook is meant to inspire municipalities and others to develop networks of good urban public spaces. Urban public space networks are the infrastructure of streets, squares, parks, watercourses and pedestrian and bicycle connections.
Attractive Nordic towns - strategies towards a more sustainable future
22/10/2019 Report Ministry of Local Government and Regional DevelopmentThis report is made by Sweco, and it is a guide to those who aim at building attractive small and medium-sized Nordic towns. It is not a “how to” handbook. For the urban planners or politicians who are aiming at making their town more attractive, it
Regulations on a framework plan for the content and tasks of kindergartens
22/10/2019 Regulation Ministry of Education and ResearchThe core values of kindergartens shall be promulgated, practised and manifest in every aspect of a kindergarten's pedagogical practices. Childhood has intrinsic value, and kindergartens shall take a holistic approach to the children's development.
What now - The Impact of Digitization on the Norwegian Music Industry
English summary
22/10/2019 Report Ministry of Culture and EqualityOn behalf of the Norwegian Ministry of Culture, the Center for Creative Industries at BI NorwegianBusiness School (BI:CCI) together with Menon Economics has conducted a study of the impacts ofdigitization on the players within the ecosystem of the
The Vocational Education Act
14/10/2019 Law Ministry of Education and ResearchThe objective of this Act is to ensure the provision of high quality tertiary vocational education and satisfactory conditions for students of tertiary vocational education.
The Independent Schools Act
14/10/2019 Law Ministry of Education and ResearchThe objective of this Act is to help facilitate the establishment and operation of independent schools, so that parents and pupils may choose other schools than the government schools, cf. Section 2 no. 2 of the (Norwegian) Human Rights Act.
The Student Financial Aid Act
14/10/2019 Law Ministry of Education and ResearchThe purpose of the student financial aid system is to contribute to equal opportunity to education regardless of geographical circumstances, age, gender, disability, financial and social circumstances.
The Professional Qualifications Act
14/10/2019 Law Ministry of Education and ResearchThe purpose of this Act is to allow professionals who are nationals of an EEA State or Switzerland to exercise their profession in Norway under the same conditions as professionals who obtained their professional qualifications in Norway, in
Mapping of modern slavery and recommendations for the Norwegian Government’s development programme to combat modern slavery
26/09/2019 Report Ministry of Foreign AffairsThe report has been written by Norad at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ request.
The Folk High School Act
20/09/2019 Law Ministry of Education and ResearchThe objective of this Act is to enable the establishment and operation of folk high schools inNorway. The term “folkehøyskole” (Folk High School) must be included in the school name,and only schools approved pursuant to Section 2 of this Act may use
Guidance note on ensuring respect for the humanitarian principles
11/09/2019 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of Foreign AffairsAs part of its work to ensure that the humanitarian principles are respected in the field, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has drawn up a guidance note on this issue, in consultation with a number of the organisations that receive funding from