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  • The Ministry of Local Government and Modernisation

    05/05/2014 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development

    The Ministry of Local Government and Modernisation is devoted to renewing, simplifying and improving the public sector.

  • The Housing Cooperatives Act

    31/12/2013 Law Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development

    Act of 6 June 2003 No. 39 relating to housing cooperatives (the Housing Cooperatives Act). Cf. the previous Act of 4 February 1960 No. 2 relating to housing cooperatives.

  • On rural regional policy

    Report No. 13 to the Storting (2012-2013). Summary.

    09/07/2013 Report Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development

    English summary of the Norwegian Government’s white paper to the Parliament on rural and regional policy: Meld. St. 13 (2012-2013) Ta heile Noreg i bruk.

  • Meld. St. 23 (2012-2013) - Digital Agenda for Norway

    Meld. St. 23 (2012–2013) Report to the Storting (white paper)

    03/05/2013 Report to the Storting Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development

  • Universal design as a municipal strategy

    Experience and results from the pilot municipality project 2005-2008

    25/01/2013 Report Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development

    T-1472 E / 2009 ISBN 978-82-457-0434-1 Download the report (pdf)

  • From political rights to political power

    01/08/2012 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development

    In 2010 one hundred years have gone since women got the right to vote in Norwegian local elections. Simultaneously women were given the opportunity to run for office in local government.

  • The Strategy for Innovation an Good Governance at Local Level

    24/05/2012 Guidelines/brochures Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development

    Adopted in March 2008, the Strategy is a practical instrument which can be used to generate synergies between all stakeholders, be they local, regional, national or European, by working together with common instruments for improving the quality of

  • Action plan for improvement of the living conditions of Roma in Oslo

    15/05/2012 Plans/strategy Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development

    Action plan for improvement of the living conditions of Roma in Oslo(PDF)

  • Consultation - Assessment of the 2009 Election. Proposal for amendment to the Election Act

    26/11/2010 Consultation Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development

    Deadline for consultation: 01/09/2010 Status: Consultation has been processed

  • Building for the future. Environmental action plan for the housing and building sector 2009–2012

    28/09/2010 Plans/strategy Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development

    The Government is pleased to present its new environmental action plan for the housing and building sector. This is the third environmental action plan and will apply for four years.

  • Act on an infrastructure for geographical information (Spatial Data Act)

    03/09/2010 Law Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development

    The Act shall promote good and efficient access to public geographical information (spatial data) for public and private purposes.

  • Response to OSCE'S EAM report of 27 November 2009

    31/05/2010 Report Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development

    At the invitation of the Norwegian Government, OSCE/ODIHR carried out an Election Assessment Mission in Norway during the General Election of September 2009. OSCE’s report from the visit was presented on 27 November 2009. This report gives an

  • Plan of Action to strengthen Sami languages

    22/03/2010 Plans/strategy Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development

    The Government wants to create the right conditions to increase the number of people actively using the Sami languages. This will be done through measures which aim to boost the instruction of Sami in kindergartens, primary and secondary education

  • Homeless in Norway - A survey

    11/09/2009 Report Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development

    Evelyn Dyb and Katja Johannessen: Homeless in Norway - A survey. Summary NIBR Report 2009:17.

  • The Pathway to a Permanent Home

    Evaluation of the national strategy to prevent and counteract homelessness 2005-2007

    11/09/2009 Report Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development

    Evelyn Dyb, Marit Kristine Helgesen and Katja Johannessen: The Pathway to a Permanent Home. Evaluation of the national strategy to prevent and counteract homelessness 2005-2007. Summary NIBR Report 2008:15.

  • Proposition No. 25 to the Storting (2008-2009) -

    02/07/2009 Report to the Storting Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development

    Proposition No. 25 to the Storting (2008-2009) Local growth and hope for the future The rural and regional policy of the Norwegian Government Summary of White Paper No. 25 (2008–2009) The document in PDF format (1,3 Mb)

  • The public consultation on the Green Paper on Territorial Cohesion

    02/03/2009 Letter Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development

    Contribution from the Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development to the public consultation on the Green Paper on Territorial Cohesion.

  • Planning and Building Act (2008)

    27/06/2008 Law Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development

  • Report No. 31 to the Storting (2006-2007) - A Tolerant, Secure and Creative Oslo Region

    14/12/2007 Report to the Storting Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development

  • Universal design

    Clarification of the concept

    30/11/2007 Report Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development

    Clarification of the concept

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