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The proposed Payment Services Directive II - regarding comsumer protecion
03/10/2014 Letter Ministry of FinanceAs party to the EEA Agreement, Norway has implemented Directive 2007/64/EC (PSD I), and has a strong interest in how the revised Directive will be drafted.
New Seeds in Svalbard Global Seed Vault
28/05/2024 News story Ministry of Agriculture and FoodSvalbard Global Seed Vault welcomes shipments from four new depositors. The world’s largest repository of crop diversity raises the number of the samples in its care to 1.29 million.
Norway´s Path Towards a Sustainable Food System
24/05/2024 Report Ministry of Agriculture and FoodKey elements of the Norwegian Government’s work on sustainable food system, including the national dialogue and written input.
UNFF19: High level segment roundtable
15/05/2024 Speech/statement Ministry of Agriculture and FoodUNFF19's (United Nations Forum on Forests) high level segment roundtable.
Annual report 2023: The Norwegian National Contact Point for Responsible Business Conduct
01/07/2024 Report Ministry of Foreign AffairsOne of the NCP’s most important responsibilities is to promote the OECD Guidelines for Responsible Business Conduct. The objective of the Guidelines is to promote positive contributions from businesses to economic, environmental and social progress
Speech at the plenary of the 112th International Labour Conference 2024
08/06/2024 Speech/statement Ministry of Labour and Social InclusionPresident, Director General, Ministers, Representatives of workers and employers, Let me start by saying that it is a privilege for me to attend this plenary today and to be able to discuss the Director General report on The New Social Contract. The
By State Secretary Per Olav Skurdal Hopsø Statement by Norway delivered by state secretary ofThe Ministry of Labour and Social inclusion Mr. Per Olav Hopsø, Palais des Nations, Geneva, 7 June 2024.
Norway's efforts in the Sahel region 2018-2019
Status report
02/11/2020 Report Ministry of Foreign AffairsThis status report for the period 2018-2019 offers insight into how Norway is following up the Sahel strategy via various channels, without going into detail about every aspect of the activities or providing specifics about overall achievement of
Access to veterinary services in Norway
Report by a working group established by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food, Oslo, March 10. 2023.
10/03/2023 Report Ministry of Agriculture and FoodThe working group has reviewed the status and challenges regarding access to veterinary services, with a particular focus on veterinary services for food producing animals.
The Svalbard Global Seed Vault celebrates its 15th anniversary with new seed deposits
28/02/2023 News story Ministry of Agriculture and FoodToday, the 15th anniversary of the opening of the Svalbard Global Seed Vault was celebrated by 20 international gene banks depositing 20,000 new seed samples in the vault in Longyearbyen.
Climate change, hungerand vulnerability
16/02/2023 Plans/strategy Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Agriculture and Food, Ministry of Climate and Environment, Ministry of Justice and Public SecurityAt the climate summit in Glasgow (COP26) in November 2021, Norway pledged to double its climate finance to developing countries by 2026. This includes a commitment to at least triple funding for climate change adaptation, in line with the Paris
Fifth evaluation round: Preventing corruption and promoting integrity in central governments (top executive functions) and law enforcement agencies
13/01/2023 Report Ministry of Justice and Public SecurityReport from GRECO - Group of States against Corruption (Council of Europe).
National charging strategy
24/01/2023 Plans/strategy Ministry of TransportElectric vehicles (EVs) are likely to be the preferred zero-emission technology in many vehicle segments towards 2030, even if other technologies eventually can become more relevant. If we are to achieve the goals for the vehicle population in 2025
Speach: Berlin Security Conference
01/12/2022 Speech/statement Ministry of DefenceSpeach from Minister of Defence, Bjørn Arild Gram at Berlin Security Conference 1. December 2022.
Landbruks- og matministerens innlegg under OECDs landbruksministermøte 2022
09/11/2022 Speech/statement Ministry of Agriculture and FoodPlenumssesjon 03.11.2022
Norwegian Strategy for Urban Agriculture
22/10/2021 Plans/strategy Ministry of Agriculture and FoodThe Government launched a National strategy for urban agriculture on 9 February 2021.
Action plan against antisemitism 2021–2023 – a continuation
11/05/2021 Plans/strategy Ministry of Local Government and Regional DevelopmentThe action plan against antisemitism is part of the government's work for inclusion and against discrimination and hate speech. The action plan contains measures, and provides a systematic effort against antisemitism.
Regulations Relating to Pollution and Waste in Svalbard
03/07/2020 Regulation Ministry of Climate and EnvironmentLegal basis: Issued by the Ministry of Climate and Environment on 3 July 2020 with a legal basis in the Act of 15 June 2001 no. 79 Relating to the Protection of the Environment in Svalbard (Svalbard Environmental Protection Act) Section 66, Section
The Norwegian Statement at the Stockholm +50 Conference
03/06/2022 Speech/statement Ministry of Climate and EnvironmentHeld by the Norwegian Minister of Climate and Environment at the Stockholm + 50 conference. 2nd of May 2022.
Digital Single Market
27/04/2015 Letter Ministry of Local Government and Regional DevelopmentThis letter was sent on 27 February 2015
The Norwegian Government's action plan for export
27/11/2020 Plans/strategy Ministry of Trade, Industry and FisheriesThe Norwegian Government's action plan for export encompasses topics such as the overall trade policy situation, the global economic crisis created by the corona pandemic and the competitive situation for Norwegian companies abroad.