News and press releases
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Norway grants NOK 27 million to global ecosystem maps
31/10/2024 News story Ministry of Climate and Environment, Ministry of Foreign AffairsNorway’s Minister of Climate and Environment, H.E. Tore O. Sandvik, announces a contribution of NOK 27 million to support the development of a new tool for integrating and sharing data on the world’s ecosystems.
Amendments to environmental regulations in Svalbard
09/02/2024 News story Ministry of Climate and EnvironmentThe Norwegian Government has adopted several amendments to the environmental regulations in Svalbard. The purpose is to protect wildlife, and one of the largest wilderness areas left in Europe.
15 years of Partnership on Climate and Forest
22/03/2023 News story Ministry of Climate and EnvironmentBrasilia, 23.03.2023: Joint press statement between Marina Silva, Brazil’s Minister of Environment and Climate and Espen Barth Eide, Norway’s Minister of Climate and Environment.
World’s countries reach agreement on conservation of marine biodiversity in the high seas
07/03/2023 Press release Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Climate and Environment, Ministry of Trade, Industry and FisheriesFollowing intense negotiations over several years, agreement was reached late on Saturday evening on an instrument on the conservation and sustainable use of marine biodiversity in areas beyond national jurisdiction. Norway is very pleased with the
Norway supports Ecuador’s efforts to protect the rainforest
22/09/2022 News story Ministry of Climate and EnvironmentEcuador is making an important effort to reduce deforestation. The efforts are crucial for the planet’s climate and biodiversity. Norway therefore announces NOK 130 million in support of the results achieved.