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Five northern European countries conclude international arrangements on transport and storage of carbon across borders
18.04.2024 Nyhet EnergidepartementetA European infrastructure for carbon capture and storage is underway. Today, arrangements between Denmark, Norway, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Sweden allow cross-border transport and geological storage of captured CO2.
Norway and France will strengthen cooperation on CCS
19.12.2022 Pressemelding EnergidepartementetNorway and France has signed a Letter of Intent to promote mutually beneficial cooperation on the development and deployment of Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS). This confirms the governments’ intentions to cooperate on CCS and recognize the
The Prime Minister's speech at the opening of Offshore Northern Seas (ONS) 2024
26.08.2024 Tale/innlegg Statsministerens kontor- At the same time as we continue to provide energy security for our European friends, we will push forward the energy transition. From day one, the green transition has been on top of my agenda as Prime Minister. We aim to cut emissions from our
Av: Statsminister Jonas Gahr Støre Stavanger
The Minister of Petroleum and Energy's speech at the Energy Conference between Norway and the EU
24.10.2023 Tale/innlegg EnergidepartementetMinister of Petroleum and Energy Terje Aasland held this speech at the Energy Conference between Norway and the European Union in Brussels on 24th October 2023.
The visit of Prime Minister Støre to the Foreign Press Association (FPA)
22.05.2023 Tale/innlegg Statsministerens kontor‘The last year has highlighted the importance of Norwegian gas; we were able to increase our gas export by 8-10%, on top of what has already been a high level, partly contributing to level up the storage of gas in Europe, especially in Germany’,
Av: Statsminister Jonas Gahr Støre Oslo
EERA DeepWind 2022
19.01.2022 Tale/innlegg EnergidepartementetMinister of Petroleum and Energy Marte Mjøs Persen gave this digital speech to the EERA DeepWind 2022 conference in Trondheim on 19th January 2022.
The North Sea as a platform for the Clean Energy Transition
11.11.2021 Tale/innlegg EnergidepartementetMinister of Petroleum and Energy Marte Mjøs Persen held this speech at the energy seminar 'The North Sea as a platform for the Clean Energy Transition' when signing a MoU on the CCS between Norway and the Netherlands. The seminar was hosted at the
Energy Transition – from fossil fuels to renewables
05.11.2021 Tale/innlegg EnergidepartementetMinister of Petroleum and Energy, Marte Mjøs Persen, held this speech at the round table conference about renewable energy hosted by DNV, German-Norwegian Chamber of Commerce and the German embassy in Norway on 5th November 2021.
How can Europe and Norway cooperate to scale up the CCS market?
23.06.2022 Tale/innlegg EnergidepartementetMinister of Petroleum and Energy held this keynote speech at the Northern Lights Summit in Brussels on 23th June 2022.
Opening speech at ONS 2022: The North Sea - the new frontier of energy transition?
30.08.2022 Tale/innlegg EnergidepartementetMinister of Petroleum and Energy Terje Aasland held this opening speech at the Offshore Northern Seas (ONS) 2022 conference on 30th August 2022 in Stavanger, Norway.
Oslo Energy Forum
15.02.2024 Tale/innlegg EnergidepartementetEnergiminister Terje Aasland holdt dette innlegget på Oslo Energy Forum, den 15. februar 2024.
InvestEU lansert i Norge
28.11.2023 Nyhet Nærings- og fiskeridepartementetFredag 24. november lanserte økonomikommisær Paolo Gentiloni og næringsminister Jan Christian Vestre InvestEU i Norge. InvestEU åpner nye muligheter knyttet til bærekraftige investeringer i norsk næringsliv.
Møte om energikrisen i Europa
14.09.2022 Pressemelding Statsministerens kontor, EnergidepartementetStatsminister Jonas Gahr Støre og olje- og energiminister Terje Aasland har invitert representanter fra selskapene Equinor, Aker BP og Vår Energi til et møte om energikrisen i Europa torsdag 15. september kl. 08.30. De tre selskapene er de tre
Norge og Nederland styrker energisamarbeidet
11.11.2021 Pressemelding EnergidepartementetNorge og Nederland er enige om en ny samarbeidsavtale om CO2-håndtering (CCS). Avtalen legger til rette for fremtidig utveksling og sikker lagring av CO2 på norsk sokkel.
Olje- og energidepartementets EU/EØS-strategi
06.01.2022 Artikkel EnergidepartementetFormålet med Olje- og energidepartementets (OED) EU-strategi er å beskrive mål, prioriteringer og oppgaver for departementets EU/EØS-arbeid. Strategien gir en generell beskrivelse av hvordan EU/EØS-arbeidet organiseres. Oppgaver knyttet til EU/EØS
Spørsmål og svar om fornybardirektivet
23.01.2025 Artikkel EnergidepartementetRegjeringen jobber med å vurdere om EUs fornybardirektiv fra 2018 skal innføres i norsk rett. Fornybardirektivet er en del av Ren energi-pakken som ble vedtatt i 2018 og 2019 og som støtter opp om EUs mål på energi- og klimaområdet. Direktivet ble
Joint Statement - Germany – Norway - Hydrogen
05.01.2023 Artikkel Statsministerens kontor, Ministry of EnergyNorway and Germany agree to further strengthen our close partnership on energy, climate policy and industrial transformation. The goal is to achieve shared climate goals, create new green industries and jobs, and strengthen energy security.
Opening of the Baltic Pipe line
27.09.2022 Tale/innlegg EnergidepartementetMinister of Petroleum and Energy Terje Aasland held this speech when he participated at the opening of the gas pipeline Baltic Pipe that connects Poland with Denmark and the Norwegian upstream gas pipeline network in Northwestern Europe. The opening
Remarks by State Secretary Maria Varteressian during 'Norway Night' at Hannover Messe, Germany
24.04.2024 Tale/innlegg UtenriksdepartementetBeing a partner country at the world’s largest industrial fair - in Germany, our most important partner in Europe - provides a unique opportunity to showcase Norwegian industry and businesses, the State Secretary underlined in her opening remarks.
Concluding remarks at Equinor's Autumn Conference 2022
30.11.2022 Tale/innlegg EnergidepartementetMinister of Petroleum and Energy, Terje Aasland, held the concluding remarks at Equinor's Autumn Conference on 29th November 2022 in Oslo, Norway.