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Norway and the Age of Energy
24.09.2024 Tale/innlegg Statsministerens kontor'We are transitioning out of oil, out of gas, out of fossil, and now into a new chapter. I emphasize transitioning, because this is complex; when energy sources shift, power shifts and politics shifts', said Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre.
Av: Statsminister Jonas Gahr Støre Columbia University, World Leaders Forum
Response to the European Commission’s Consultation on the Review of the EU Macro-Prudential Policy Framework
24.10.2016 Brev FinansdepartementetThe Norwegian Ministry of Finance, Finanstilsynet and Norges Bank welcome the opportunity to provide a common feedback on the EU macroprudential policy framework.
Notification - excise duty on waste incineration - exemption for undertakings covered by the ETS
29.02.2024 Brev FinansdepartementetNotification - excise duty on waste incineration - exemption for undertakings covered by the ETS
Response from Norway to the Reasoned Opinion on the Norwegian Reporting Obligation when hiring non-resident contractors
05.04.2019 Brev FinansdepartementetThe Ministry of Finance's response to ESAs reasoned opinion on the Norwegian reporting obligations.
On the public consultation on Capital Markets Union from the Norwegian Ministry of Finance
13.05.2015 Brev FinansdepartementetReference is made to the Green Paper on Building a Capital Markets Union (CMUGreen Paper) dated 18 February 2015. The Norwegian Ministry of Finance supports the initiative of the Commission to create a more integrated capital market across European
26.04.2006 Brev FinansdepartementetRegarding Aracruz Cellulose SA
An english summary of the white paper on long-tem perspectives for the Norwegian economy
20.03.2009 Rapport FinansdepartementetOn 9 January 2009 the Government presented a report to the Storting (Norwegian parliament) on long term perspectives for the Norwegian economy.
Financing change: Norway’s experience in sharing wealth
25.07.2024 Tale/innlegg FinansdepartementetTaxing the riches of nature: sharing in the prosperity from national resources
Av: Finansminister Trygve Slagsvold Vedum At a business event 24 July in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, prior to G20 Finance Ministers meeting
The Government Pension Fund white paper 2024
12.04.2024 Pressemelding FinansdepartementetToday, the Ministry of Finance submits the annual white paper about the Government Pension Fund to the Storting. The white paper gives an account of the Government Pension Fund Norway (GPFN) and Government Pension Fund Global (GPFG) results and
Adherence of the Government Pension Fund Global (GPFG) to the Santiago principles
27.06.2023 Brosjyre/veiledning FinansdepartementetThe Ministry of Finance has recently conducted an update of the self-assessments of the Government Pension Fund’s adherence to the Santiago Principles, cf. separate reviews of the GPFG and the GPFN, respectively. This self-assessment documents the
A survey of 22 OECD-countries
18.08.2000 Brosjyre/veiledning Finansdepartementet -
Recommendation concerning whether the weapons systems Spider and Intelligent Munition System (IMS) might be contrary to international law
20.09.2005 Brev Finansdepartementet -
Agreement Norway - British Virgin Islands 2009
18.05.2009 Artikkel FinansdepartementetAgreement between the Kingdom of Norway and the British Virgin Islands for the exchange of information relating to taxes.
Conclusions of the Mission
12.06.2006 Rapport Finansdepartementet -
Agreement Norway - Anguilla
03.03.2016 Artikkel FinansdepartementetAgreement between the Kingdom of Norway and Anguilla concerning the exchange of information relating to tax matters.
Convention Norway - Argentina
08.10.1997 Artikkel FinansdepartementetConvention between The Kingdom of Norway and The Republic of Argentina for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with Respect to Taxes on Income and on Capital.
Agreement Norway - Aruba
04.03.2016 Artikkel FinansdepartementetAgreement between the Kingdom of Norway and the Kingdom of the Netherlands, in respect of Aruba, for the exchange of information with respect to taxes.
Agreement Norway - Bahamas
10.03.2010 Artikkel FinansdepartementetAgreement between the Kingdom of Norway and the Commonwealth of The Bahamas concerning information on tax matters.
Protocol 2009 Norway - Austria
04.03.2016 Artikkel FinansdepartementetProtocol and additional protocol between the Kingdom of Norway and the Republic of Austria amending the convention for the avoidance of double taxation and the prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on income and on capital signed in
Protocol Norway - Brazil
20.02.2014 Artikkel FinansdepartementetProtocol amending the Convention between the Government of the Kingdom of Norway and the Government of the Federative Republic of Brazil for the avoidance of double taxation and the prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on income and