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Statement at the Arctic Frontiers conference 2023
31.01.2023 Tale/innlegg UtenriksdepartementetForeign Minister Anniken Huitfeldt's statement at the Arctic Frontiers conference 2023 in Tromsø.
Av: Tidligere utenriksminister Anniken Huitfeldt Tromsø, 31 January
The Prime Minister's remarks at the panel discussion on “Rethinking Arctic Development” at the Arctic Frontiers conference
31.01.2024 Tale/innlegg Statsministerens kontor'There are eight coastal states around the Arctic. Now, one of those eight states are kept on the outside, for obvious reasons. How do we take that into account? We have done a lot of progress on how we involve indigenous groups, local groups, local
The Modern-Day Nuclear Threat and How to Respond
08.06.2022 Tale/innlegg UtenriksdepartementetState Secretary Eivind Vad Petersson's statement at a Nobel Peace Center Conference in Oslo 8 June.
Av: Statssekretær Eivind Vad Petersson Oslo, 8 June
Remarks by the Prime Minister at the Plenary Session of Summit of the Future
23.09.2024 Tale/innlegg Statsministerens kontor'We should expect from the Security Council to weigh in and help end the escalation of hostilities in the Middle East, and to work towards a two-state solution, giving the Palestinians their right of a state and a two-state solution where the
Av: Statsminister Jonas Gahr Støre UN General Assembly, New York
Prime Minister's speech at the Leangkollen Security Conference
06.02.2023 Tale/innlegg Statsministerens kontorLadies and gentlemen, friends. We are approaching the tragic one-year milestone of Russia’s attack on Ukraine. One year of war in Europe, thousands of thousands of lives lost. One year of destruction on a scale not seen since World War II.
Av: Statsminister Jonas Gahr Støre Leangkongen, Asker
Statement on Renewed OSCE European Security Dialogue
08.02.2022 Tale/innlegg UtenriksdepartementetState Secretary Eivind Vad Petersson's statement (digital) on behalf of Norway on the Renewed OSCE (Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe) European Security Dialogue.
Av: Statssekretær Eivind Vad Petersson OSCE, 8 February
Remarks by the Prime Minister and the US Secretary of State
31.05.2023 Tale/innlegg Statsministerens kontorRemarks by Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre and Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken after their meeting in Oslo, May 31, 2023
Press briefing by Minister of Foreign Affairs Anniken Huitfeldt
31.05.2023 Tale/innlegg UtenriksdepartementetPress briefing by Minister Huitfeldt held May 31 before NATO foreign ministers' meeting in Oslo.
Opening Speech at Berlin Security Conference
30.11.2022 Tale/innlegg Utenriksdepartementet'Our security environment has changed dramatically over the past year. We have taken unprecedented actions to adjust and support Ukraine', State Secretary Eivind Vad Petersson said in his opening speech at the conference..
Av: Statssekretær Eivind Vad Petersson Berlin, 30 November
The visit of Prime Minister Støre to the Foreign Press Association (FPA)
22.05.2023 Tale/innlegg Statsministerens kontor‘The last year has highlighted the importance of Norwegian gas; we were able to increase our gas export by 8-10%, on top of what has already been a high level, partly contributing to level up the storage of gas in Europe, especially in Germany’,
Av: Statsminister Jonas Gahr Støre Oslo
JEF Defence Ministers' Statement: Finland and Sweden's application for NATO membership
15.06.2022 Nyhet ForsvarsdepartementetToday, the Defence Ministers of the Joint Expeditionary Force (JEF) - comprising Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden and the UK - met in Oslo.
Foreign policy strategy for combating international terrorism
September 2006
03.10.2006 Rapport UtenriksdepartementetForeign policy strategy for combating international terrorism PDF version of the strategy
Nordic Defence Ministers joint statement on strengthening Nordic defence cooperation
11.05.2022 Nyhet ForsvarsdepartementetThe war in Ukraine has fundamentally changed European defence and security policy. In light of the ongoing crisis, Nordic solidarity and defence cooperation is more important than ever.
Fourteen years since the outbreak of the war between Russia and Georgia
08.08.2022 Nyhet Utenriksdepartementet“The Russian invasion of Georgia in 2008 marked the beginning of a new and more aggressive phase in Russia’s policy regarding its neighbouring countries and the European security architecture. As we are witnessing in Ukraine today, Russia has
Report No. 36 to the Storting (2004-2005) -
27.05.2005 Melding til Stortinget UtenriksdepartementetReport No. 36 to the Storting (2004-2005) Export of defence materiel from Norway in 2004, export control and international non-proliferation co-operation The complete report in PDF-format
Support to Improve Knowledge about Climate-related Peace and Security Risks
15.03.2021 Artikkel UtenriksdepartementetTo enhance our understanding of the impacts of climate-related peace and security risks, we need more knowledge and facts. Norway has initiated several research and analytical activities to this aim.
Statsministerens innlegg på pressekonferansen om Russlands angrep på Ukraina
24.02.2022 Tale/innlegg Statsministerens kontorI dag våknet vi til krig i Europa. Vi har lenge fryktet at Russland ville gå til et massivt militært angrep på Ukraina. Det skjer nå.
Av: Statsminister Jonas Gahr Støre Marmorhallen
Demokratier og menneskerettigheter under press. Hva gjør Norge?
09.12.2022 Tale/innlegg UtenriksdepartementetSom et demokratisk land er Norge blant mindretallet av verdens stater. Hvordan virker det inn på utenrikspolitikken?
Av: Tidligere utenriksminister Anniken Huitfeldt innlegg i dagbladet.no, 9. desember
Kunnskap, forskning og eksportkontroll i en sikkerhetspolitisk urolig tid
11.01.2023 Tale/innlegg UtenriksdepartementetUtenriksminister Anniken Huitfeldts innlegg på et arrangement på NTNU i Trondheim.
Av: Tidligere utenriksminister Anniken Huitfeldt Trondheim, 11. januar
Norge fordømmer Nord-Koreas oppskyting av ballistiske missiler 22. april
24.04.2024 Nyhet UtenriksdepartementetNord-Korea gjennomførte 22. april oppskyting av flere kortrekkende ballistiske missiler. Ifølge nordkoreansk statsmedia var oppskytingen en del av en øvelse for kjernefysisk gjengjeldelse.