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Peace, Security and Development
The 2015 report to the Storting on policy coherence
08.02.2016 Rapport UtenriksdepartementetThe Government's latest report to the Storting on policy coherence for development examines how Norwegian policies affect development in fragile states, with particular focus on the security situation in those countries. It concentrates on areas
Norway’s statement in the TNC meeting 30 November 2005
30.11.2005 Rapport UtenriksdepartementetNorway’s statement in the TNC meeting 30 November 2005 We associate ourselves with the Swiss intervention on behalf of the G 10. I would like to thank the DG, the Chair of the General Council and the Chairs of the Negotiating Groups for their
Modernisation and Revitalisation in Public Governance
Experiences, dilemmas and challenges for top executives
04.11.2005 Rapport Kommunal- og distriktsdepartementetThe purpose of this report is to summarise the topics presented and discussed at the programme for top level executives.
Three billion reasons
Norway's Development Strategy for Children and Young People in the South
30.05.2005 Rapport UtenriksdepartementetThree billion reasons Norway's Development Strategy for Children and Young People in the South There is not just one reason for working to promote the well-being and rights of children and young people. There are three billion of them, Minister of
Nuclear safety in Northwest Russia
April 2005
25.04.2005 Rapport UtenriksdepartementetNuclear safety in Northwest Russia April 2005 This document is only avaliable as a PDF file. To read it you need Adobe Acrobat Reader, which can be downloaded free from http://www.adobe.com/prodindex/acrobat/readstep.html Nuclear safety in Northwest
National Plan of Action to Combat Racism and Discrimination (2002-2006)
13.09.2002 Rapport Kommunal- og distriktsdepartementetNational Plan of Action to Combat Racism and Discrimination (2002-2006) National Plan of Action to Combat Racism and Discrimination (2002-2006) (PDF-file)
NOU 2008:14 - “Coherent for Development?”
26.08.2008 Rapport Utenriksdepartementet -
T-1468 ENG/CHI Universal design
Clrification of the concept
30.11.2007 Rapport Kommunal- og distriktsdepartementetT-1468 ENG/CHI ISBN 978-82-457-0726-6 Universal design - Clarificaton of the concept (pdf)
Energy and Development - Report on Policy Coherence for Development 2012
Chapter 11 from the 2013 Budget Proposal from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
04.02.2013 Rapport UtenriksdepartementetNorway’s 2nd report on Policy Coherence for Development, “Energy and Development” was presented by Heikki Eidsvoll Holmås, Minister for International Development, in a public debate on 9 October 2012. The report was submitted to the Storting (
Public Health Report
17.01.2014 Plan/strategi Helse- og omsorgsdepartementetGood health - a common responsibility Meld. St. 34 (2012-2013) Report to the Storting (White Paper) Summary
An international solidarity contribution on plane tickets — Norway’s position —
(Kun engelsk versjon)
10.01.2006 Rapport UtenriksdepartementetIn December 2005 Norway agreed to support the French initiative on a solidarity contribution on plane tickets to help mobilize additional development finance for pursuing the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Among a host of creative
The Anti-Discrimination Act
26.09.2005 Reglement Arbeids- og inkluderingsdepartementetThe Act on prohibition of discrimination based on ethnicity, religion, etc. (the Anti-Discrimination Act) (unofficial translation)
Sustainability indicators for Nordic towns
01.04.2019 Rapport Kommunal- og distriktsdepartementetSweco have made a report suggesting a selection of 30 different sustainability indicators for Nordic towns. The report is a part of the project "attractive towns" under the Nordic Council of Ministers.
Position of the Norwegian Government on the Commission’s new draft directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on services in the internal market 24 May 2006
24.05.2006 Rapport Nærings- og fiskeridepartementetPosition of the Norwegian Government on the Commission’s new draft directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on services in the internal market 24 May 2006 Norway supports the general purpose to reduce barriers to trade in services in
The Norwegian Government’s Action Plan for the Implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1325 (2000) on Women, Peace and Security
March 2006
08.03.2006 Rapport UtenriksdepartementetThe Norwegian Government’s Action Plan for the Implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1325 (2000) on Women, Peace and Security The Government has developed a Norwegian action plan to implement UN Security Council Resolution 1325 on Women,
A study of contributions from the Norwegian fishing fleet to acidification and eutrophication
Rapport - utslipp og deposisjon i Norge fra den norske fiskeflåten
22.04.2003 Rapport Nærings- og fiskeridepartementetA study of contributions from the Norwegian fishing fleet to acidification and eutrophication Pdf-file (2,1 MB)
From Idea to Value - The Government's Plan for a Comprehensive Innovation Policy (pdf)
05.12.2003 Rapport Nærings- og fiskeridepartementetFrom Idea to Value – The Government's Plan for a Comprehensive Innovation Policy (.pdf)
Nuclear Safety and the Environment
February 2005
07.04.2005 Rapport UtenriksdepartementetNuclear Safety and the Environment Plan of Action for the implementation of Report no. 34 (1993-1994) to the Storting Nuclear activities and chemical weapons in areas adjacent to our northern borders February 2005
Fra idé til verdi - Regjeringens plan for en helhetlig innovasjonspolitikk (pdf)
21.10.2003 Rapport Nærings- og fiskeridepartementetFra idé til verdi – Regjeringens plan for en helhetlig innovasjonspolitikk (.pdf)
Report on Convention no 87 concerning freedom of association and protection of the right to organise, 1948
01.12.2004 Rapport UtenriksdepartementetNORWAY R E P O R T for the period ending 31 May 2004, made by the Government of Norway, in accordance with article 22 of the Constitution of the International Labour Organisation on the measures taken to give effect to the provisions of Convention