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  • Norway and the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child

    06.02.2019 Artikkel Barne- og familiedepartementet

    The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child from 20 November 1989 (the CRC) is the most important set of international rules we have for the protection of children's rights.

  • Agreement Norway - Guernsey for ships or aircraft in international traffic

    16.03.2011 Artikkel Finansdepartementet

    Agreement between the Kingdom of Norway and the States of Guernsey for the avoidance of double taxation with respect to enterprises operating ships or aircraft in international traffic.

  • National Tourist Routes in Norway

    07.01.2020 Artikkel Samferdselsdepartementet

    18 selected routes from Varanger in the north to Jæren in the south, offering high visual quality of scenic viewpoints and picnic areas along the routes.

  • Winter tyre requirements for heavy vehicles

    08.01.2020 Artikkel Samferdselsdepartementet

    The driver is responsible for ensuring that the vehicle has sufficient road grip. Correct marking and minimum tread depth are no guarantee that your road grip is good enough.

  • Permits for professional drivers

    04.02.2019 Artikkel Samferdselsdepartementet

    As a professional driver you will need various permits.

  • Direct and Indirect Taxes - Main Features of the 2008 Proposal

    05.10.2007 Artikkel Finansdepartementet

    The objectives of the Government’s tax policy are to safeguard revenue for communal purposes, contribute to fairness in distribution and an improved environment, promote employment throughout the country and enhance the workings of the economy.

  • Agreement Norway - Bahamas

    10.03.2010 Artikkel Finansdepartementet

    Agreement between the Kingdom of Norway and the Commonwealth of The Bahamas concerning information on tax matters.

  • Protocol 2009 Norway - Austria

    04.03.2016 Artikkel Finansdepartementet

    Protocol and additional protocol between the Kingdom of Norway and the Republic of Austria amending the convention for the avoidance of double taxation and the prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on income and on capital signed in

  • Agreement Norway - Jersey for tax matters

    15.03.2011 Artikkel Finansdepartementet

    Agreement between the Kingdom of Norway and Jersey for the exchange of information relating to tax matters.

  • Agreement Norway - Jersey for ships or aircraft in international traffic

    15.03.2011 Artikkel Finansdepartementet

    Agreement between the Kingdom of Norway and Jersey for the avoidance of double taxation with respect to enterprises operating ships or aircraft in international traffic The Government of the Kingdom of Norway and the Government of Jersey, desiring

  • Amendments to the Political Parties Act (2012)

    22.04.2013 Artikkel Kommunal- og distriktsdepartementet

    In this proposition the Ministry of Government Administration, Reform and Church Affairs proposes legislative amendments that are to facilitate greater transparency and control of the funding of political parties in order to follow the

  • On the Act relating to certain circumstances concerning political parties (Party Act - 2005)

    22.04.2013 Artikkel Kommunal- og distriktsdepartementet

    In this Bill, the Ministry of Government Administration and Reform presents a proposal for a new Act relating to certain circumstances concerning political parties.

  • Child benefit

    09.02.2021 Artikkel Barne- og familiedepartementet

    Those who have children under 18 years of age living permanently with them are entitled to child benefit. Child benefit is payable for each child without any means or needs testing and is tax-free.

  • Protocol Norway - Brazil

    20.02.2014 Artikkel Finansdepartementet

    Protocol amending the Convention between the Government of the Kingdom of Norway and the Government of the Federative Republic of Brazil for the avoidance of double taxation and the prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on income and

  • Tyres and snow chains

    18.11.2019 Artikkel Samferdselsdepartementet

    As the driver, you are responsible for ensuring that the vehicle has sufficient road grip.

  • Renewable energy production in Norway

    11.05.2016 Artikkel Energidepartementet

    In Norway, 98 percent of the electricity production come from renewable energy sources. Hydropower is the source of most of the production.

  • One year later 26.02.2009

    02.03.2009 Artikkel

    Click on the picture for a larger format. All photo: Mari Tefre/Svalbard Global Seed Vault Minister of Agriculture and Food Lars Peder Brekk and executive director of Global Crop Diversity Trust, Cary Fowler.

  • Main features of the tax programme for 2018

    12.10.2017 Artikkel Finansdepartementet

    In order to sustain the positive development, the Government is giving priority to tax changes that strengthen the growth capacity of the economy, facilitate structural adjustment and create new jobs. The tax burden continues to be shifted from

  • Задачи норвежской Службы защиты детей

    19.01.2015 Artikkel Barne- og familiedepartementet

    Служба защиты детей должна способствовать тому, чтобы дети и подростки росли в благоприятных условиях. Основной задачей Службы является предоставление необходимой и своевременной помощи и заботы детям и подросткам, условия жизни которых могут

  • Agreement Norway - San Marino

    15.03.2011 Artikkel Finansdepartementet

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