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  • St.prp. nr. 98 (2000-2001) - Om samtykke til inngåelse av en avtale mellom Kongeriket Norge og Den europeiske politienhet (Europol) om samarbeid om bekjempelse av alvorlige former for internasjonal kriminalitet

    29.06.2001 Proposisjon Utenriksdepartementet

  • Rundskriv H-25/01

    Stortingets behandling av kommuneproposisjonen 2002 og revidert nasjonalbudsjett 2001 - konsekvenser for kommunesektoren

    29.06.2001 Rundskriv Kommunal- og distriktsdepartementet

    Rundskriv om Stortingets behandling av kommuneproposisjonen 2002 og revidert nasjonalbudsjett 2001 - konsekvenser for kommunesektoren.

  • Ølen - Reguleringsplan, Bergsneset industriområde (landbruk/jordvern)

    29.06.2001 Brev Kommunal- og distriktsdepartementet

    Avgjerd i motsegnsak, 29.6.2001 Ølen – Reguleringsplan, Bergsneset industriområde Ølen kommune - Motsegn til reguleringsplan for Bergsneset industriområde Vi viser til fylkesmannen sin ekspedisjon av 14.03.01, motteke her 20.03.01. Saka er i samsvar

  • T-2/01 Om arealplanlegging og golfbaner

    28.06.2001 Rundskriv Kommunal- og distriktsdepartementet, Landbruks- og matdepartementet

    Miljøverndepartementet og Landbruksdepartementet har i fellesskap utarbeidet dette rundskrivet for å tydeliggjøre nasjonale mål i arealpolitikken som kan ha betydning i forhold til lokalisering av golfbaner, og gi anbefalinger om hvordan banene bør

  • Forslag om endring av skatteloven §§ 16-30 - 16-33 (fradrag i norsk skatt ved skattlegging av utbytte m.v. fra utenlandsk datterselskap)

    28.06.2001 Høring Finansdepartementet

    Høringsinstansene Deres ref Vår ref Dato 00/2140 SA OGD/GS 28 .06.2001 Forslag om endring av skatteloven §§ 16-30 - 16-33 (fradrag i norsk skatt ved skattlegging av utbytte m.v. fra utenlandsk datterselskap) Vedlagt oversendes departementets

    Status: Ferdigbehandlet

  • høringsnotat 28.06.2001

    28.06.2001 Høring Finansdepartementet

    Status: Ferdigbehandlet

  • Rundskriv G-16/01

    Lovavdelingens bistand til andre departementer

    28.06.2001 Rundskriv Justis- og beredskapsdepartementet

    Les rundskrivet i pdf-format her.

  • Business and industry in Norway - The building and construction industry

    28.06.2001 Brosjyre/veiledning Nærings- og fiskeridepartementet

    Number of employees 115 200 Number of companies 34 090 Gross product in percentage 6,2 The building and construction sector comprises the construction and maintenance of houses and commercial buildings, and the development of roads, airports and

  • Business and industry in Norway - The business-services industry

    28.06.2001 Brosjyre/veiledning Nærings- og fiskeridepartementet

    Number of employees 172270 Number of companies 47547 Gross production value in billions 55,9 Gross product in percentage 10,1 The term business services is used to describe the work of companies that supply services to the rest of industry. Like the

  • Business and industry in Norway - The textile and ready-made clothing industry

    28.06.2001 Brosjyre/veiledning Nærings- og fiskeridepartementet

    Number of companies 542 Number of employees 7960 This sector’s export share 50 Gross product in percentage 0,3 The textile and ready-made clothing industry includes companies that cover a wide range when it comes to raw materials, production

  • Business and industry in Norway - The travel industries

    28.06.2001 Brosjyre/veiledning Nærings- og fiskeridepartementet

    Number of employees 155 000 Gross product NOK 51 billion Gross product in percentage 4,3 Percentage of employees 6,8 The travel industries are counted as being some of the largest, fastest-growing industries in the world. The number of people

  • Business and industry in Norway - Graphic production and publishing operations

    28.06.2001 Brosjyre/veiledning Nærings- og fiskeridepartementet

    Number of companies 2099 Number of employees 37778 This sector’s export share 1,5 Gross product in percentage 1,94 Over the past few years, the Norwegian graphic industry has changed from a traditional, craft sector into a future-oriented,

  • Business and industry in Norway - The chemical industry

    28.06.2001 Brosjyre/veiledning Nærings- og fiskeridepartementet

    Number of companies 557 Number of employees 21973 This sector’s export share 59 Gross product in percentage 2,2 The chemical industry in Norway is very diverse, consisting of everything from small niche companies manufacturing for the domestic

  • Business and industry in Norway - The metals industry

    28.06.2001 Brosjyre/veiledning Nærings- og fiskeridepartementet

    Number of companies 121 Number of employees 14658 This sector’s export share 82 Gross product in percentage 1,5 The metals industry is one of Norway’s largest export industries. Norwegian companies are also major producers of aluminium and

  • Business and industry in Norway

    28.06.2001 Brosjyre/veiledning Nærings- og fiskeridepartementet

    Business and industry in Norway Preface About Norwegian trade and industry 1 The growth of industrial activity in Norway The structure of the Norwegian economy 2 Industrial-policy challenges 3 Norwegian industry 3.1 Raw-materials-based industries

  • Business and industry in Norway - 4) Information and communication

    28.06.2001 Brosjyre/veiledning Nærings- og fiskeridepartementet

    Number of employees 78 635 Number of companies 9 112 Turnover NOK 182,1 billion Information and communication technology (ICT) is a large and rapidly growing industry that is becoming increasingly important to Norwegian commerce. The ICT business

  • Business and industry in Norway - Mineral products

    28.06.2001 Brosjyre/veiledning Nærings- og fiskeridepartementet

    Number of companies 614 Number of employees 9955 This sector’s export share 19 Gross product in percentage 0,6 Mineral products are often divided into three main categories: glass and glassware; ceramic products; and other mineral products. These

  • Business and industry in Norway - 2) Technology-based industries

    28.06.2001 Brosjyre/veiledning Nærings- og fiskeridepartementet

    The past few years have seen the formation of a number of companies that use advanced technology and specialist expertise to manufacture goods for niches in the market. Many have a background in the shipbuilding and electrotechnical industries,

  • Business and industry in Norway - The mechanical-engineering industry

    28.06.2001 Brosjyre/veiledning Nærings- og fiskeridepartementet

    Number of companies 4039 Number of employees 103913 This sector’s export share 30 Gross product in percentage 6,3 The mechanical-engineering industry is Norway’s largest industrial sector and is extremely varied. Parts of it are strongly

  • Business and industry in Norway - Shipping

    28.06.2001 Brosjyre/veiledning Nærings- og fiskeridepartementet

    Norwegians on board 15765 Norwegians onshore 5025 Foreigners on board 48355 Number of ships NIS (01.10.00) 764 NOR (31.10.00) 933 Foreign flag (01.10.00) 650 Shipping companies ca. 450 Export share (1999) 87 Gross product in percentage (1999) 1,4

  • Side 2198 av 2379
  • Side 2198 av 2379