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St.prp. nr. 1 (2002-2003) - For budsjetterminen 2003 under Utenriksdepartementet
Utgiftskapitler: 100-198 Inntektskapitler: 3100-3161
13.09.2002 Proposisjon Utenriksdepartementet -
Market access for non-agricultural products, Contribution from Norway
12.09.2002 Rapport Utenriksdepartementet -
Nasjonal strategi for bærekraftig utvikling
14.08.2002 Plan/strategi UtenriksdepartementetNasjonal strategi for bærekraftig utvikling Strategien i pdf format Strategien finner du ved å klikke her
Nasjonal strategi for bærekraftig utvikling
14.08.2002 Plan/strategi Utenriksdepartementet -
Norsk bistand i fokus
27.06.2002 Rapport Utenriksdepartementet -
Oversikt over arbeidet i Sikkerhetsrådet. Mai 2002
19.06.2002 Rapport Utenriksdepartementet -
Evaluation reports and Annual reports 1991
19.06.2002 Rapport UtenriksdepartementetEvaluation reports and Annual reports 1991 1. Hjelp til selvhjelp og levedyktig utvikling 2. Diploma Courses at the Norwegian Institute of Technology 3. The Women's Grant in Bilateral Assistance 4. Hambantota Integrated Rural Development Programme,
Evaluation reports and Annual reports 1992
19.06.2002 Rapport UtenriksdepartementetEvaluation reports and Annual reports 1992 1. NGOs as partners in health care, Zambia 2. The Sahel-Sudan-Ethiopia Programme 3. De private organisasjonene som kanal for norsk bistand Fase1
Evaluation reports and Annual reports 1990
19.06.2002 Rapport UtenriksdepartementetEvaluation reports and Annual reports 1990 1. Mini-Hydropower Plants, Lesotho 2. Operation and Maintenance in Development Assistance 3. Telecommunications in SADCC Countries 4. Energy Support in SADCC Countries 5. International Research and Training
Evaluation reports and Annual reports 1993
19.06.2002 Rapport UtenriksdepartementetEvaluation reports and Annual reports 1993 1 Internal learning from evaluation and reviews 2. Macroeconomic impacts of import support to Tanzania 3. Garantiordning for investeringer i og eksport til utviklingsland 4. Capacity-Building in Development
Evaluation reports and Annual reports 1994
19.06.2002 Rapport UtenriksdepartementetEvaluation reports and Annual reports 1994 1. Evaluation of World Food Programme 2. Evaluation of the Norwegian Junior Expert Programme with UN Organisations
Evaluation reports and Annual reports 1995
19.06.2002 Rapport UtenriksdepartementetEvaluation reports and Annual reports 1995 1. Technical Co-operation in Transition 2. Evaluering av FN-sambandet i Norge 3. NGOs as a channel in development aid 4. Rapport fra presentasjonsmøte av "Evalueringen av de frivillige organisasjoner" 5.
Evaluation reports and Annual reports 1996
19.06.2002 Rapport UtenriksdepartementetEvaluation reports and Annual reports 1996 1. NORAD's Support of the Remote Area Development Programme (RADP) in Botswana 2. Norwegian Development Aid Experiences. A Review of Evaluation Studies 1986-92 3. The Norwegian People's Aid Mine Clearance
Evaluation reports and Annual reports 1997
19.06.2002 Rapport UtenriksdepartementetEvaluation reports and Annual reports 1997 1. Evaluation of Norwegian Assistance to Prevent and Control HIV/AIDS 2. "Kultursjokk og korrektiv" - Evaluering av UD/Norads studiereiser for lærere 3. Evaluation of decentralisation and development 4.
Evaluation reports and Annual reports 1998
19.06.2002 Rapport UtenriksdepartementetEvaluation reports and Annual reports 1998 1. Institutional Cooperation between Public Institutions in Norway and the South. (pdf-format) 2. Institutional Cooperation between Sokoine and Norwegian Agricultural Universities (pdf-format) 3.
Evaluation reports and Annual reports 1999
19.06.2002 Rapport UtenriksdepartementetEvaluation reports and Annual reports 1999 1. WID/Gender Units and the Experience of Gender Mainstreaming in Multilateral Organisations (PDF-format) 2. Performance Assessement of IPPF: Policy and Effectiveness at Country and regional levels 3.
Evaluation reports and Annual reports 2000
19.06.2002 Rapport UtenriksdepartementetEvaluation reports and Annual reports 2000 1. Review of Norwegian Health-related Development Cooperation 1988 -1997 (PDF-format) 2. Norwegian Support to the Education Sector. Overview of policies and trends 1988 - 1998 (PDF-format) 3. The Project "
Evaluation reports and Annual reports 2001
19.06.2002 Rapport UtenriksdepartementetEvaluation reports and Annual reports 2001 1. Evaluation of the Norwegian Human Rights Fund (PDF-format) 2. Economic Impacts on the Least Developed Countries of the Elimination of Import Tariffs on their Products(PDF-format) 3. Evaluation of the
St.prp. nr. 78 (2001-2002) - Om samtykke til inngåelse av en avtale mellom Norge og Tyskland om tilskudd til Deutsche Schule Oslo - Max Tau (Den tyske skolen i Oslo) og praktikantplasser for norske studenter i Tyskland
14.06.2002 Proposisjon Utenriksdepartementet -
St.prp. nr. 75 (2001-2002) - Om samtykke til godkjenning av avtale av 10. desember 2001 om endring av protokoll 3 til avtalen mellom EFTA-statene om opprettelse av et Overvåkningsorgan og en Domstol (ODA) av 2. mai 1992
14.06.2002 Proposisjon Utenriksdepartementet