The Amazon Fund is re-activated

Dette innholdet er mer enn 2 år gammelt.

Yesterday President Luiz Inácio “Lula” da Silva was inaugurated as Brazil’s new president. On his very first day, he reconfirmed the new government’s ambitions to halt deforestation and he took the necessary steps to reopen the Amazon Fund.

Presidential decrees to reopen the Amazon Fund signed

At his first day in office, President Lula signed a presidential decree reinstating the governing board of the Amazon Fund, with broad representation from civil society and other stakeholders. The President also signed decrees reestablishing Brazil’s strategies to reduce deforestation in the Amazon and the Cerrado.

-Brazil’s new Government has put in place an ambitious plan to reduce deforestation in the Amazon and reinstated the governance structure of the Amazon fund, making it possible to reopen the Amazon Fund. This is great news, and I have today confirmed to Marina Silva, Brazil’s new Minister for Environment and Climate Change, that the resources in the Amazon Fund again can be used for new projects that will reduce deforestation in Brazil, says Mr. Eide.

The incoming government has stressed that international support through the Amazon Fund, which is governed by the Brazilian development bank BNDES, can play an important role in supporting the government’s action plan to reduce deforestation and achieve a sustainable development in the Amazon.

-Brazil’s new President has signaled a clear ambition to stop deforestation by 2030, he has reinstated strategies to make this happen, and appointed ministers with substantial knowledge and expertise in the area. This is globally significant, and the Amazon Fund gives the international community a great opportunity to contribute, says Norwegian Minister for Climate and Environment, Mr. Espen Barth Eide.

Renewed partnership

The Norwegian Minister of Climate and Environment is looking forward to a renewal of the partnership on climate and forests with Brazil, and to a close and good cooperation with Marina Silva, incoming Brazilian Minister for Environment and Climate Change.

“I am very pleased that it is possible to re-activate the Amazon Fund. We will not achieve the climate goals of the Paris Agreement unless we are able to stop the loss of tropical forests in the world. The international community, including Norway, is cheering for Brazil and want to support the incoming Government’s ambitious plans”, says Barth Eide.

About the Amazon Fund

The Amazon Fund was established by President Lula in 2008 to enable the reception of international contributions to Brazil's efforts to stop deforestation. The fund is a results-based mechanism where payments are made after deforestation is reduced, and the funds are then spent on initiatives that will further reduce deforestation. Deforestation is monitored by satellite images. During Lula’s previous presidency, deforestation in the Amazon was reduced about 80%. Between 2009 and 2018, Norway has paid in total NOK 8.3 bn for reduced deforestation.

The Fund has been frozen since August 2019, after the decision by former President Bolsonaro to abolish the governing board of the Fund and the action plans to reduce deforestation. This action constituted a breach of the original agreement from when the fund was established. 

Points of contact:

Norwegian Ministry of Climate and Environment, Anne Leifsdatter Grønlund +47 90616244

Norwegian Embassy in Brasilia – Vedis Vik +55 61 98169 9125 /+47 902 10 252