Flere saker fra departementet

  • Meld. St. 25 (2019-2020) - Norwegian exports of defence-related products in 2019, export control and international non-proliferation cooperation

    Recommendation of 12 June 2020 from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, approved in the Council of State the same day.

    08.10.2020 Rapport Utenriksdepartementet

    This white paper provides figures for exports of arms, ammunition and other military equipment and components, related technology and services for military use (shortened to ‘defence-related products’ in the restof this document) in 2019. It also

  • Norway’s Fourth Biennial Report

    Under the Framework Convention on Climate Change

    02.04.2020 Rapport Klima- og miljødepartementet

    Download report (pdf) Introduction This report is Norway’s fourth biennial report related to climate change under the Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The previous biennial reports were submitted in, 2014, 2016 and 2018 respectively.

  • Norwegian Action Plan on Animal Welfare

    01.12.2006 Plan/strategi Landbruks- og matdepartementet

    Recommendation of 13 December 2002 by the Ministry of Agriculture, approved in Council of State on the same date 01.12.2006.

  • Framework

    27.02.2007 Reglement Energidepartementet

    New production licences: Agreement concerning petroleum activities Enclosure to production licence Production licences 1972 - 2006: Existing production licences 1972 - 2006 Enclosure to production licence 1972 -2006 Unitisation agreements/production

  • Health, poverty and development

    Norwegian perspectives and inputs to the WSSD process

    08.05.2002 Rapport Utenriksdepartementet

    Health, poverty and development Norwegian perspectives and inputs to the WSSD process Poverty is the number one killer in the world, and poor people bear a disproportionate part of the global burden of ill health. Health, poverty reduction and

  • Barents cooperation

    29.11.2005 Rapport Utenriksdepartementet

  • Norway's Proposal to Auction Assigned Amount Units: Implementation options

    11.09.2009 Rapport Klima- og miljødepartementet

    Download the report. (pdf)

  • Buildings of the future

    - pilot projects for environmentally friendly buildings and planning

    26.02.2016 Rapport Kommunal- og distriktsdepartementet

    This report presents pilot projects within planning and architecture from the cities in The Cities of the Future programme programme 2008-2015.

  • Peace, Security and Development

    The 2015 report to the Storting on policy coherence

    08.02.2016 Rapport Utenriksdepartementet

    The Government's latest report to the Storting on policy coherence for development examines how Norwegian policies affect development in fragile states, with particular focus on the security situation in those countries. It concentrates on areas

  • EEA enlargement instrument

    05.03.2004 Rapport Utenriksdepartementet

    EEA enlargement instrument PROTOCOL 38 bis ON THE EEA FINANCIAL MECHANISM Article 1 The EFTA States shall contribute to the reduction of economic and social disparities in the European Economic Area through the financing of grants to investment and

  • Norwegian involvement in the dismantling of Russian nuclear submarines

    13.08.2004 Rapport Utenriksdepartementet

    Norwegian involvement in the dismantling of Russian nuclear submarines On 30 June 2003, the Norwegian authorities signed contracts to finance the dismantling of two non-strategic submarines from Russia’s Northern Fleet. The two vessels were

  • Debt Relief for Development - Summary

    May 2004

    04.08.2004 Rapport Utenriksdepartementet

    Debt Relief for Development - Summary The report in pdf version To read this document you need to install Adobe Acrobat Reader. The programme is free and can be downloaded from http://www.adobe.com/prodindex/acrobat/readstep.html

  • Debt Relief for Development - A Plan of Action

    May 2004

    04.08.2004 Rapport Utenriksdepartementet

    Debt Relief for Development - A Plan of Action Debt Relief for Development - A Plan of Action (PDF version) May 2004

  • Implementation of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights

    Norway's fifth periodic report to the UN Human Rights Comittee. November 2004

    19.11.2004 Rapport Utenriksdepartementet

  • Evaluation reports and Annual reports 1999

    19.06.2002 Rapport Utenriksdepartementet

    Evaluation reports and Annual reports 1999 1. WID/Gender Units and the Experience of Gender Mainstreaming in Multilateral Organisations (PDF-format) 2. Performance Assessement of IPPF: Policy and Effectiveness at Country and regional levels 3.

  • Evaluation reports and Annual reports 1998

    19.06.2002 Rapport Utenriksdepartementet

    Evaluation reports and Annual reports 1998 1. Institutional Cooperation between Public Institutions in Norway and the South. (pdf-format) 2. Institutional Cooperation between Sokoine and Norwegian Agricultural Universities (pdf-format) 3.

  • Evaluation reports and Annual reports 1996

    19.06.2002 Rapport Utenriksdepartementet

    Evaluation reports and Annual reports 1996 1. NORAD's Support of the Remote Area Development Programme (RADP) in Botswana 2. Norwegian Development Aid Experiences. A Review of Evaluation Studies 1986-92 3. The Norwegian People's Aid Mine Clearance

  • Draft Declaration on Intellectual Property and (Access to Medicines) (Public Health)

    31.10.2001 Rapport Utenriksdepartementet

    JOB(01)/155 27 October 2001 GENERAL COUNCIL Preparations for the Fourth Session of the Ministerial Conference Draft Declaration on Intellectual Property and [Access to Medicines] [Public Health] Attached is a draft Ministerial Declaration on this

  • Publications from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    22.11.2001 Rapport Utenriksdepartementet

    Publications from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Reports to the Storting Propositions to the Storting Reports Handbooks and brochures Programmes of action

  • Bergen Declaration

    Fifth International Conference on the Protection of the North Sea, 20­21 March 2002Bergen, Norway

    05.07.2002 Rapport Klima- og miljødepartementet

    The Bergen Declaration Ministerial Declaration ( PDF) 170 kB Déclaration Ministerielle ( PDF) 170 kB Erklärung der Minister ( PDF) 1 120 kB Fifth International Conference on the Protection of the North Sea 20­21 March 2002 Bergen, Norway

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