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Welcomes the UN announced truce by the parties to the conflict in Yemen
02.04.2022 Nyhet UtenriksdepartementetNorway welcomes the UN announced truce by the parties to the conflict in Yemen.
Survey of the trade flow in the fisheries sector in Asia
28.05.2009 Rapport Nærings- og fiskeridepartementetA report made by Friends of the Earth Norway and WWF Norway. Commissioned by the Norwegian Ministry of Fisheries and Coastal Affairs.
Corporate social responsibility in a global economy (abridged version)
Abridged version of Report No. 10 (2008-2009) to the Storting
29.01.2009 Rapport UtenriksdepartementetIn its white paper on corporate social responsibility in a global economy, the Government outlines how it intends to address this issue. This document provides a brief overview of the white paper. We hope that it will provide useful information and
Meld. St. 26 (2018 – 2019) Report to the Storting (white paper) - Norwegian exports of defence-related products in 2018, export control and international non-proliferation cooperation
Recommendation of 7 June 2019 from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, approved in the Council of State the same day.
04.09.2019 Rapport UtenriksdepartementetThis white paper describes Norway’s export control system for strategic goods and technology,1 and provides figures for exports of arms, ammunition and other military equipment and components, related technology and services for military use (
The kindergarten teaching profession – present and future
05.07.2019 Plan/strategi KunnskapsdepartementetSummary of report developed by an expert group appointed by the Ministry of Education and Research
Digital agenda for Norway in brief
– ICT for a simpler everyday life and increased productivity
09.05.2016 Rapport Digitaliserings- og forvaltningsdepartementetThe purpose of this white paper is to present the Government's policy on how Norway can exploit ICT in the best interests of society.
Reply to the Authority’s reasoned opinion - the right to paid parental leave
23.01.2018 Brev Barne- og familiedepartementetReference is made to reasoned opinion from the EFTA Surveillance Authority (the Authority) dated 15 November 2017, concerning the right to paid parental leave in Norway.
The City as a resource
01.12.2014 Rapport Kommunal- og distriktsdepartementetThe report "The City as a resource" is giving an overview of the experiences with the programme Cities of the future 2008-2014.
Cancellation of debts incurred as a result of the Norwegian Ship Export Campaign (1976-80)
02.10.2006 Rapport UtenriksdepartementetAnnex to press Release No 118/06 02.10.06 Cancellation of debts incurred as a result of the Norwegian Ship Export Campaign (1976-80) Norway’s claims vis-à-vis developing countries amount to approximately NOK 4,4 billion. Approximately NOK 2.9
Regulations amending the Patent Regulations (in accordance with the decision of the WTO General Council of 30 August 2003, Paragraphs 1(b) and 2(a))
01.07.2004 Rapport UtenriksdepartementetRegulations amending the Patent Regulations (in accordance with the decision of the WTO General Council of 30 August 2003, Paragraphs 1(b) and 2(a)) Pursuant to sections 49 and 69 of the Act of 15 December 1967 No. 9 relating to patents, the
Norwegian development cooperation with Madagascar
13.02.2006 Rapport UtenriksdepartementetNorwegian development cooperation with Madagascar Madagascar received status as a Norwegian development partner in 2004. In May 2004, Norway opened an embassy in Antananarivo. Norwegian missionaries have provided this island nation in the Indian
Norwegian Development Cooperation
13.02.2006 Rapport UtenriksdepartementetNorwegian Development CooperationAfrica:Madagascar: AssistanceSouth Africa: Assistance - Background
Norwegian Global Emission Reduction Initiative
06.12.2024 Brosjyre/veiledning Klima- og miljødepartementetDriving ambition through international carbon cooperation
Norway and the Candidate Countries
03.05.2001 Rapport Utenriksdepartementet -
Norwegian proposal on the digitization of radio
Summary of Report No. 8 (2010-2011) to the Storting
01.04.2011 Rapport Kultur- og likestillingsdepartementetOn 4 February 2011 The Norwegian Ministry of Culture presented a report on the digitization of radio to the Storting (the Norwegian national assembly). The report determines the conditions that must be met ant a target date for switch-off of FM
Report No. 30 to the Storting (2004-2005) -
15.04.2005 Melding til Stortinget UtenriksdepartementetThe file in PDF-format
Report no. 51 to the Storting (1997-1998) -
18.06.1998 Melding til Stortinget Nærings- og fiskeridepartementetPerspectives on the development of the Norwegian fisheries industry
26.04.2006 Brev FinansdepartementetRegarding Aracruz Cellulose SA
Norwegian fisheries management
25.04.2007 Brosjyre/veiledning Nærings- og fiskeridepartementetThis booklet is a short guide to principles which the Norwegian fisheries management is based on as well as an overview of Norwegian fisheries authorities.
Report no. 34 (2000-2001) -
17.12.2001 Melding til Stortinget Kommunal- og distriktsdepartementet