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Children when parents move apart
10.12.2009 Brosjyre/veiledning Barne- og familiedepartementetYou can download the brochure CHILDREN WHEN PARENTS MOVE APART here (PDF)
Haven´t I got a say?
10.12.2009 Brosjyre/veiledning Barne- og familiedepartementetYou can download the brochure HAVEN´T I GOT A SAY? here (PDF)
Brochure about the Norwegian Ministry of Finance
08.11.2011 Brosjyre/veiledning FinansdepartementetThe Ministry of Finance is headed by the Minister of Finance, who has overall responsibility for the Ministry’s work and who is aided by a political staff consisting of several state secretaries and a political adviser. Read more about the ministry
Act on Professional Transport by Motor Vehicle and Vessel (Professional Transport Act)
25.03.2011 Lov Samferdselsdepartementet -
Norwegian fisheries management
25.04.2007 Brosjyre/veiledning Nærings- og fiskeridepartementetThis booklet is a short guide to principles which the Norwegian fisheries management is based on as well as an overview of Norwegian fisheries authorities.
The Norwegian Aquaculture Act
09.08.2005 Reglement Nærings- og fiskeridepartementetA presentation of the new Aquaculture Act, its background and main content.
NOU 2010: 10 Adapting to a changing climate -
15.11.2010 NOU Klima- og miljødepartementetNorway’s vulnerability and the need to adapt to the impacts of climate change.
A Guide to Human Rights Due Diligence in Global Supply Chains
12.06.2013 Brosjyre/veiledning Nærings- og fiskeridepartementetThe Norwegian Government wishes to contribute to strengthening the role of Norwegian businesses as engines for sustainable development and poverty reduction, while at the same time supporting the efforts of the UN and the ILO to promote responsible
Recommendation concerning whether the weapons systems Spider and Intelligent Munition System (IMS) might be contrary to international law
20.09.2005 Brev Finansdepartementet -
Report to the Storting No. 29
28.08.2000 Rapport EnergidepartementetUnoff. translation of ch. 1-2 of Report to the Storting No. 29 (1998-99) on Norwegian energy policy Report No. 29 (1998-99) on Norwegian energy policy was presented to the Storting by recommendation from the Ministry of Petroleum and Energy 19 March
Conclusions of the Mission
12.06.2006 Rapport Finansdepartementet -
Food Security in a Climate Perspective - English Summary
21.01.2013 Brosjyre/veiledning UtenriksdepartementetA strategy developed in cooperation with Ministry of Agriculture and Food, Ministry of Fisheries and Coastal Affairs, Ministry of the Environment. - English Summary - January 2013.
The Petroleum Taxation Act
10.01.2006 Brosjyre/veiledning FinansdepartementetThe Petroleum Taxation Act Click here (pdf) Act of 13 June 1975 No.35 relating to the Taxation of Subsea Petroleum Deposits, etc. Last amended by Act of 9 December 2005 No.109
Facts 2006 Energy and water resources in Norway
14.08.2006 Brosjyre/veiledning EnergidepartementetFacts 2006 Energy and water resources in Norway The Ministry of Petroleum and Energy publishes an English translation of this facts sheet on energy and water resources in Norway every other year. In this publication stationary energy supply and
Trade-related aspects of intellectual property rights (TRIPS)
14.09.2006 Brosjyre/veiledning UtenriksdepartementetThe TRIPS Agreement was negotiated during the Uruguay Round and, like the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) and the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS), is included as an annex to the WTO Agreement.
A survey of 22 OECD-countries
18.08.2000 Brosjyre/veiledning Finansdepartementet -
Fact Sheet 2000 Norwegian Petroleum Activity
17.06.2000 Brosjyre/veiledning EnergidepartementetFact Sheet 2000 Norwegian Petroleum Activity The Ministry of Petroleum and Energy publishes the Fact Sheet Norwegian Petroleum Activity annually. Most aspects of Norway's petroleum operations are presented. Here you will find an overview of fields
Public Participation in Planning
12.09.2016 Brosjyre/veiledning Kommunal- og distriktsdepartementetHow to Facilitate Increased Public Participation and Influence in Municipal and Regional Plannning pursuant to the Planning and Building Act.
Carbon Neutral Norway
20.09.2016 Brosjyre/veiledning Klima- og miljødepartementetNorwegian Carbon Credit Procurement Program
The Final Disposal of Disused Pipelines and Cables
(This document has its own design. Its size is 4,9 MB)
01.12.1999 Rapport EnergidepartementetDette dokumentet har egen design og navigasjon. Klikk her for å komme til dokumentet. location.replace("/oed/html/rapporter/14/")