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How can Switzerland and Norway cooperate on CCS?
25.11.2022 Tale/innlegg EnergidepartementetMinister of Petroleum and Energy held this speech at a stakeholder event with participants from Norway and Switzerland in Oslo 25th November2022.
Safeguarding global energy security on the way to net zero
19.05.2022 Tale/innlegg EnergidepartementetMinister of Petroleum and Energy Terje Aasland held this speech at the Energy Connected conference hosted by Energy Valley at Fornebu on 19th May 2022.
NTNU Energy Transition Conference
29.03.2022 Tale/innlegg EnergidepartementetMinister of Petroleum and Energy Terje Aasland held this pre-recorded speech at the NTNU Energy Transition Conference hosted in Trondheim on 29th March 2022.
The Prime Minister's opening address at Oslo Energy Forum
14.02.2024 Tale/innlegg Statsministerens kontor'When we succeed in carbon capture and storage, it may have major impact far beyond Norway. If we can do our offshore activity with 50 percent reduction of emissions, the technology can have an impact far beyond us', said Prime Minister Støre.
How can Europe and Norway cooperate to scale up the CCS market?
23.06.2022 Tale/innlegg EnergidepartementetMinister of Petroleum and Energy held this keynote speech at the Northern Lights Summit in Brussels on 23th June 2022.
Energy Transition – from fossil fuels to renewables
05.11.2021 Tale/innlegg EnergidepartementetMinister of Petroleum and Energy, Marte Mjøs Persen, held this speech at the round table conference about renewable energy hosted by DNV, German-Norwegian Chamber of Commerce and the German embassy in Norway on 5th November 2021.
The North Sea as a platform for the Clean Energy Transition
11.11.2021 Tale/innlegg EnergidepartementetMinister of Petroleum and Energy Marte Mjøs Persen held this speech at the energy seminar 'The North Sea as a platform for the Clean Energy Transition' when signing a MoU on the CCS between Norway and the Netherlands. The seminar was hosted at the
The Minister of Petroleum and Energy's speech at the Energy Conference between Norway and the EU
24.10.2023 Tale/innlegg EnergidepartementetMinister of Petroleum and Energy Terje Aasland held this speech at the Energy Conference between Norway and the European Union in Brussels on 24th October 2023.
Norway and the Age of Energy
24.09.2024 Tale/innlegg Statsministerens kontor'We are transitioning out of oil, out of gas, out of fossil, and now into a new chapter. I emphasize transitioning, because this is complex; when energy sources shift, power shifts and politics shifts', said Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre.
Av: Statsminister Jonas Gahr Støre Columbia University, World Leaders Forum
CCS-seminar Brussel
30.01.2024 Tale/innlegg EnergidepartementetEnergiminister Terje Aasland holdt dette innlegget på et seminar om CCS i Brussel den 30.januar 2024.
Closer cooperation between Norway and Switzerland on CCS
25.11.2022 Pressemelding EnergidepartementetNorway and Switzerland will strengthen cooperation on carbon capture and storage (CCS) and carbon dioxide removal (CDR). This is clear following today’s meeting between the Norwegian Minister of Petroleum and Energy Terje Aasland and the Swiss
Norway and France will strengthen cooperation on CCS
19.12.2022 Pressemelding EnergidepartementetNorway and France has signed a Letter of Intent to promote mutually beneficial cooperation on the development and deployment of Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS). This confirms the governments’ intentions to cooperate on CCS and recognize the
Belgium and Norway will work closer on cross-border transport and storage of CO2
24.04.2023 Pressemelding Statsministerens kontorToday, Prime Ministers Alexander De Croo and Jonas Gahr Støre, met in Ghent as part of the enhanced Belgium-Norway dialogue and cooperation on climate, energy and industrial transformation, as agreed in February 2022. In preparation to the North Sea
Carbon Capture and Storage. Progress and Next Steps
Report from IEA
18.06.2010 Rapport EnergidepartementetIEA/CSLF Report to the Muskoka 2010 G8 Summit.
Olje- og energiministerens innlegg på Oljeindustripolitisk seminar 2023
10.01.2023 Tale/innlegg EnergidepartementetOlje- og energiminister Terje Aasland holdt dette innlegget på Oljeindustripolitisk seminar på Scandic Park Sandefjord 10. januar 2023. Her annonserte han også TFO-tildelingen for 2022.
IEA-landene fordømmer Russlands invasjon og ber om økt produksjon av olje og gass fra andre land
24.03.2022 Nyhet EnergidepartementetOlje- og energiminister Terje Aasland deltok 24. mars på ministermøte i Det internasjonale energibyrået (IEA) i Paris.
Forsterket samarbeid om hydrogen
01.03.2023 Pressemelding EnergidepartementetNorge og Storbritannia skal samarbeide tettere om hydrogen. I dag ble et vedlegg til den norsk-britiske samarbeidserklæringen om karbonfangst og -lagring (CCS) signert.
Norge og Nederland styrker energisamarbeidet
11.11.2021 Pressemelding EnergidepartementetNorge og Nederland er enige om en ny samarbeidsavtale om CO2-håndtering (CCS). Avtalen legger til rette for fremtidig utveksling og sikker lagring av CO2 på norsk sokkel.
Meld. St. 33 (2019–2020) - Langskip – fangst og lagring av CO2
21.09.2020 Melding til Stortinget EnergidepartementetMeldinga er det samla grunnlaget for regjeringas forslag om å realisere Langskip. Langskip er eit fullskala demonstrasjonsprosjekt for CO2-handtering. Regjeringa vil halde fram med å bidra til utvikling av teknologi for fangst, transport og lagring
Tildeler to nye tillatelser for CO2-lagring på norsk sokkel
19.12.2024 Pressemelding EnergidepartementetEnergidepartementet tilbyr to nye letetillatelser for CO2-lagring på kontinentalsokkelen. Begge tillatelsene ligger i Nordsjøen.