One year after the parliamentary elections, Norway reiterates its condemnation of the military coup

Dette innholdet er mer enn 2 år gammelt.

On this day in 2020, parliamentary elections were held in Myanmar. In the elections, the people of Myanmar clearly expressed their will to continue on the path of democratic reform.

Kø foran valglokalene i Myanmar 2020. Foto: Norges ambassade
Kø foran valglokalene i Myanmar 2020. Foto: Norges ambassade

'The military leadership must respect the wish of its people. The brutal attacks on its own people must stop immediately, democratic rights must be restored, and all those who have been arbitrarily detained must be released', said Foreign Minister Anniken Huitfeldt.

Respect for human rights and democratic principles is a precondition for peace and stability.

'Norway continues to support the people in Myanmar and their right to exercise their human rights and to elect their government freely and fairly', said the Minister of Foreign Affairs.