Norges innlegg i Marrakech
Historisk arkiv
Publisert under: Regjeringen Solberg
Utgiver: Klima- og miljødepartementet
Nyhet | Dato: 16.11.2016
Vidar Helgesen holdt i ettermiddag Norges innlegg under klimaforhandlingene i Marrakech. Her er talen
National statement COP 22 Norway
Minister of Climate and Environment
Vidar Helgesen
Mr. President, Excellencies, Indigenous Peoples' delegations, Ladies and Gentlemen.
The Paris Agreement and it's entry into force are historic achievements. While celebrating it, our focus must be on implementing.
Climate change is accelerating.
Impacts are seen all over the globe. In the Arctic, glaciers are melting at record pace. In all regions, ecosystems and local communities are at risk. We must redouble our efforts to support the most vulnerable amongst us in adapting to the impacts of climate change.
Accelerating the transformation to low emission societies through deep emission cuts is the most efficient way to reduce impacts.
The low emission transformation is getting up to speed. The renewable energy and electric vehicle revolution are examples of that. These revolutions can't be reversed.
Reducing deforestation can provide one-third of the emission reductions needed to stay on a below two-degree pathway. We have seen good results in REDD+ -actions in Brazil, Guyana and Colombia, and important progress in Indonesia, Peru and DR Kongo.
Norway has committed to significant REDD + financing. Our climate and forest initiative will continue at present high level until 2020 and be extended to 2030.
Mr. President! Besides the impact of forests to combating climate change, forests are key to the wider achievement of the SDGs, on food, water, economic development and human rights.
Norway is deeply committed to the Paris Agreement and international climate cooperation
We are strengthening our domestic climate action plan for 2020 and will deliver a long term low emission development plan well before 2020, and we have set aggressive targets for 2020.
We will work to make the Paris Agreement grow in strength and take us to a climate neutral future.
The world needs to stand together to do the job. Thank you!