Norway’s National Action Plan for the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (2024-2028)

Genetic diversity is the foundation of agriculture. It enables crops to adapt to different growing conditions, breeding of strong and healthy farm animals and our forests to cope with climate change. The national action plan outlines the national conservation program, prioritising the tasks of the major actors that are contributing to this work.

Wheat in a field
The national action plan outlines the national conservation program, prioritising the tasks of the major actors that are contributing to this work. Foto: Landbruksdirektoratet

The overall goal of Norway’s national strategy on genetic resources for food and agriculture is to secure the gene pool for future agriculture and food production. No country is self-sufficient when it comes to genetic resources. Norway plays an active role in international cooperation and is committed to the conservation of its unique genetic resources. Important measures on the way to achieving the overall goal are:

  • Strengthen cooperation on genetic resources between the Nordic countries via the Nordic Council of Ministers and by working closely with NordGen.
  • Continue to participate in European cooperation on forest, livestock and crop genetic resources.
  • Continue to participate in international cooperation on genetic resources, with an emphasis on access and benefit sharing and Farmers’ Rights.
  • Increase the share of major food and forage crops whose seeds are stored at the Svalbard Global Seed Vault.

The national action plan runs from 2024 till 2028 and operationalizes the national strategy by clarifying our national responsibility, providing priorities for the work, and highlighting stakeholder roles and responsibilities. The action plan specifies which genetic resources that are at risk in Norway and outlines a comprehensive national conservation program for these resources. The action plan also identifies measures for sustainable use, increased knowledge and outreach, and cooperation with other countries.