Troika-uttalelse om Sudan 9. november

Dette innholdet er mer enn 2 år gammelt.

Den såkalte troikaen; regjeringene i Norge, USA og Storbritannia, har blitt enige om denne uttalelsen om Sudan 9. november.

The Troika  (Norway, the United States and the United Kingdom) met with General Burhan today. We discussed our strong desire to see Sudan’s democratic transition put back on track. We warned against unilateral action. We underscored the need for restoration of the Constitutional Document, and of Prime Minister Hamdok to office, as the basis for discussions on how to achieve a civilian-military partnership and civilian-led transitional government which genuinely reflect the aspirations of the Sudanese people, who have shown remarkable bravery and consistency when defending their democratic rights. 

This would demonstrate a commitment to stay on course toward free and fair elections at the end of the transition period.  We also urged the immediate release of all of those detained since October 25th, lifting the state of emergency, and ending violence against peaceful protesters as critical steps toward resuming Sudan’s democratic transition.