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Broadcasting Act
05.09.2005 Reglement Kultur- og likestillingsdepartementet -
27.02.2007 Reglement EnergidepartementetNew production licences: Agreement concerning petroleum activities Enclosure to production licence Production licences 1972 - 2006: Existing production licences 1972 - 2006 Enclosure to production licence 1972 -2006 Unitisation agreements/production
Regulations relating to amendments to the Regulations of 13 March 2020 No. 287 on quarantine etc. after travelling outside the Nordic region
16.03.2020 Forskrift Helse- og omsorgsdepartementetRead regulations relating to amendments to the Regulations of 13 March 2020 No. 287 on quarantine etc. after travelling outside the Nordic region (pdf)
The Planning and Building Act
04.04.2005 Reglement Kommunal- og distriktsdepartementetAct of 14 June 1985 No. 77, with amendments in force 1 April 2005 (04.04.2005)
Implementation-related Issues and Concerns. Doha, 14. November 2001
21.11.2001 Reglement Utenriksdepartementet -
Act no. 0101 of 11 June 1993 relating to Aviation (Aviation Act)
23.02.2006 Reglement Samferdselsdepartementet -
Regulations for the 2019 local government elections for municipalities and counties that are subject to boundary changes that come into effect January 1st 2020
20.03.2019 Forskrift Kommunal- og distriktsdepartementetThe Norwegian government has adopted changes to the local government structure, reducing the number of municipalities from 428 to 356 and the number of counties from 19 to 11. The mergers will come into effect January 1st 2020.
Regulation relating to a Municipal Regular GP Scheme
23.11.2000 Reglement Helse- og omsorgsdepartementetWith Comments
The Anti-Discrimination Act
26.09.2005 Reglement Arbeids- og inkluderingsdepartementetThe Act on prohibition of discrimination based on ethnicity, religion, etc. (the Anti-Discrimination Act) (unofficial translation)
Local Government Act
06.03.2003 Reglement Kommunal- og distriktsdepartementetLocal Government ActUpdated with all amendments enacted up to 7 January 2005.
Regulations relating to quarantine, isolation and prohibition against staying at holiday properties etc. in connection with the outbreak of COVID-19
15.03.2020 Forskrift Helse- og omsorgsdepartementet, Ministry of Justice and Public Security, Ministry of Foreign AffairsPersons who have been in close contact with someone who is confirmed to have contracted the SARS CoV-2 virus shall undergo quarantine for 14 days after contact. «Close contact» in this context refers to contact in closer proximity than two metres
The Norwegian Aquaculture Act
09.08.2005 Reglement Nærings- og fiskeridepartementetA presentation of the new Aquaculture Act, its background and main content.
Regulations on the Allocation of Railway Infrastructure Capacity and the Levying of Charges for the Use of the National Railway Network (Allocation Regulations)
01.06.2007 Forskrift Samferdselsdepartementet -
Act on the Establishment and Operation of Railways, including Tramways, Underground Railways and Suburban Railways etc., (Railways Act)
01.06.2007 Lov Samferdselsdepartementet -
Regulations on Public Investigations of Railway Accidents and Serious Railway Incidents etc. (Railway Investigation Regulations)
01.06.2007 Forskrift Samferdselsdepartementet -
Act on Notification, Reporting and Investigation of Railway Accidents and Railway Incidents etc. (Railway Investigation Act)
01.06.2007 Lov Samferdselsdepartementet -
The Election Act
14.03.2019 Lov Kommunal- og distriktsdepartementetAct No. 57 of 28 June 2002 relating to parliamentary and local government elections.
Marine Resources Act
11.08.2010 Lov Nærings- og fiskeridepartementetMarine Resources Act
Act on Professional Transport by Motor Vehicle and Vessel (Professional Transport Act)
25.03.2011 Lov Samferdselsdepartementet -
Vedtak om inndeling i helseregioner
13.02.1999 Reglement Helse- og omsorgsdepartementetStatsråd: Dagfinn Høybråten Kongelig resolusjon Saksnr.: 99/00055 Dato: 13.02.99 Vedtak om inndeling i helseregioner Det følger av lov 17 juli 1998 om endringer i lov 19 juni 1969 nr 57 om sykehus mv § 2 a og i lov 28 april 1961 nr 2 om psykisk