
På denne sida finn du utvalde rapportar som er laga av, eller på oppdrag for, departementa og Statsministerens kontor.

  • GNSS/GPS-disruptions in aviation

    18.12.2020 Rapport Samferdselsdepartementet

    GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite Systems) is a collective term for satellite systems in outer space that have a broad application, including in association with critical infrastructure in aviation. At worst, uncontrolled outage of such

  • Electronic Services for Business and Industry

    Plan of Action

    25.05.2007 Rapport Nærings- og fiskeridepartementet

    The plan of action consolidates and supplements the principles and ambitions for 24-hour electronic administration, as laid down in the Report to the Storting (the Parliament) on ICT in the public sector in the area of services for business and

  • Barents cooperation

    29.11.2005 Rapport Utenriksdepartementet

  • Health, poverty and development

    Norwegian perspectives and inputs to the WSSD process

    08.05.2002 Rapport Utenriksdepartementet

    Health, poverty and development Norwegian perspectives and inputs to the WSSD process Poverty is the number one killer in the world, and poor people bear a disproportionate part of the global burden of ill health. Health, poverty reduction and

  • IHA Sustainability Protocol Audit Assessment of Dahuashui Hydropower Project

    Draft report

    03.03.2008 Rapport Finansdepartementet

    Under agreement with the Ministry of Petroleum and Energy, NVE has been asked by the Ministry of Finance to make an assessment and audit of the sustainability of the Dahuashui Hydropower Project in China according to the International Hydropower

  • Sustainability indicators for Nordic towns

    01.04.2019 Rapport Kommunal- og distriktsdepartementet

    Sweco have made a report suggesting a selection of 30 different sustainability indicators for Nordic towns. The report is a part of the project "attractive towns" under the Nordic Council of Ministers.

  • Report: Breaking the Silence

    17.06.2009 Rapport Justis- og beredskapsdepartementet

    The Norwegian Minister of Justice and the Police Knut Storberget hosted the 29th Conference of Council of Europe Ministers of Justice in Tromsø 19-19 June 2009. He presented the report 'Breaking the Silence'.

  • An Assessment of the Effects of Norwegian Development Assistance on Poverty Reduction and Conflict Prevention

    Med innledende bemerkninger på norsk.

    30.03.2001 Rapport Utenriksdepartementet

  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs - Norway's involvement in the peace process in the Middle East

    31.10.1999 Rapport Utenriksdepartementet

  • Norway’s statement in the TNC meeting 30 November 2005

    30.11.2005 Rapport Utenriksdepartementet

    Norway’s statement in the TNC meeting 30 November 2005 We associate ourselves with the Swiss intervention on behalf of the G 10. I would like to thank the DG, the Chair of the General Council and the Chairs of the Negotiating Groups for their

  • Evaluation reports and Annual reports 1998

    19.06.2002 Rapport Utenriksdepartementet

    Evaluation reports and Annual reports 1998 1. Institutional Cooperation between Public Institutions in Norway and the South. (pdf-format) 2. Institutional Cooperation between Sokoine and Norwegian Agricultural Universities (pdf-format) 3.

  • Evaluation reports and Annual reports 1999

    19.06.2002 Rapport Utenriksdepartementet

    Evaluation reports and Annual reports 1999 1. WID/Gender Units and the Experience of Gender Mainstreaming in Multilateral Organisations (PDF-format) 2. Performance Assessement of IPPF: Policy and Effectiveness at Country and regional levels 3.

  • Modernisation and Revitalisation in Public Governance

    Experiences, dilemmas and challenges for top executives

    04.11.2005 Rapport Kommunal- og distriktsdepartementet

    The purpose of this report is to summarise the topics presented and discussed at the programme for top level executives.

  • Three billion reasons

    Norway's Development Strategy for Children and Young People in the South

    30.05.2005 Rapport Utenriksdepartementet

    Three billion reasons Norway's Development Strategy for Children and Young People in the South There is not just one reason for working to promote the well-being and rights of children and young people. There are three billion of them, Minister of

  • Implementation of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights

    Norway's fifth periodic report to the UN Human Rights Comittee. November 2004

    19.11.2004 Rapport Utenriksdepartementet

  • Debt Relief for Development - A Plan of Action

    May 2004

    04.08.2004 Rapport Utenriksdepartementet

    Debt Relief for Development - A Plan of Action Debt Relief for Development - A Plan of Action (PDF version) May 2004

  • A brief summary of the 1997 evaluations

    01.09.1998 Rapport Utenriksdepartementet

  • Ten years of Barents Euro-Arctic cooperation to be celebrated in Kirkenes 10-11 January

    16.12.2002 Rapport Utenriksdepartementet

    Date: 16 December 2002 Ten years of Barents Euro-Arctic cooperation to be celebrated in Kirkenes 10-11 January On Friday 10 and Saturday 11 January 2003, 10 years of Barents Euro-Arctic cooperation will be celebrated in Kirkenes in Northern Norway,

  • Evaluation reports and Annual reports 1991

    19.06.2002 Rapport Utenriksdepartementet

    Evaluation reports and Annual reports 1991 1. Hjelp til selvhjelp og levedyktig utvikling 2. Diploma Courses at the Norwegian Institute of Technology 3. The Women's Grant in Bilateral Assistance 4. Hambantota Integrated Rural Development Programme,

  • SOPEMI Norway 2000

    Trends of migration to and from Norway and the situation of immigrants in Norway

    19.01.2001 Rapport Kommunal- og distriktsdepartementet

    Trends of migration to and from Norway and the situation of immigrants in Norway.

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