Historisk arkiv

Speech held at the opening of the Exhibition of Cuban Contemporary Art

Historisk arkiv

Publisert under: Regjeringen Bondevik I

Utgiver: Kulturdepartementet

Speech held at the opening of the Exhibition of Cuban Contemporary Art

State Secretary Per Kristian Skulberg

Speech held at the opening of the Exhibition of Cuban Contemporary Art

Drammen kunstforening 8 October 1998

Ladies and gentlemen,

It is a great pleasure for me to be present here today on the occasion of the opening of this exhibition of Cuban contemporary art. I should like to congratulate the organizers on this excellent initiative to promote the cultural relations between Cuba and Norway.

Knowledge of other cultures and cultural expressions contributes to stimulating the dialogue between individuals and nations. This exhibition represents, in my opinion, an important contribution to the dialogue which has been initiated in recent years between the Norwegian and Cuban authorities. The Norwegian government wishes to further extend and deepen this dialogue, which should, as we see it, encompass all issues of interest and relevance to our countries and where no theme should be excluded.

There has, in recent years, been a positive development in the bilateral relations between Cuba and Norway. Several visits on government level between our two countries have taken place, including the official visit to Cuba of the Norwegian Minister of Cultural Affairs in 1997 and the recent visit of State Secretary Matlary. We hope to be able to continue the dialogue on cultural issues with the Cuban Minister of Culture, who has been invited to visit our country.

Through literature, film and music we have received cultural impulses from Latin-America. Interest in and curiosity about the culture of this continent has arisen among many Norwegians. We certainly do not know enough about each other and our respective countries. We are, however, aware of Cuba’s strong cultural traditions and outstanding contribution to the cultural and intellectual wealth of Latin America.

An open and constructive dialogue between countries must include culture. There is a strong wish on both sides as to the strengthening of cultural co-operation between Cuba and Norway. Co-operation in the field of sports has been initiated. Contacts between cultural institutions in our countries have been established with a view to developing projects of co-operation. This is in line with official Norwegian policy which states that cultural co-operation between Norway and foreign countries should as far as possible be developed through direct contacts between cultural institutions, organisations and artists.

Through the present exhibition and the theatre performance later this evening we will have the opportunity to gain some insight into Cuban culture. It is my hope that this will be followed by other projects of co-operation, for the mutual inspiration and enrichment of cultural life in Norway and Cuba.

Thank you.

This page was last updated October 13th, 1998 by linkdoc099005-990096#docthe editors