Historisk arkiv

Ministry of Transport and Communications, pressrelease - Incresased cooperation between Arab and European Telecommunications Regulators

Historisk arkiv

Publisert under: Regjeringen Bondevik I

Utgiver: Samferdselsdepartementet


Nr. 11/99
Date: 11.02.99

Incresased cooperation between Arab and European Telecommunications Regulators

The League of Arab States and CEPT (European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding aiming at expanding the cooperation between post and telecommunications regulators in the two regions.

The two regional organisations have agreed to exchange information and documentation, and to coordinate positions in international telecommunication organisations. They have also agreed to provide opportunities for exchange of technical experience and to provide opportunities for the transfer of knowledge and skills in order to facilitate human resources development.

The Memorandum of Understanding was signed in Cairo today by Mr. Abdrahman Sehebani, Assistant Secretary General for Economic Affairs of League of Arab States and by Mr Per Sanderud, Secretary General of the Norwegian Ministry of Transport and Communications.

Secretary General Per Sanderud was elected Chairman of CEPT last year for a period of three years until 1 October 2001. The Secretariat of CEPT is entrusted to the Norwegian Post and Telecommunications Authority during Mr Sanderud’s chairmanship.

CEPT, with its three main committees for posts, telecommunications and radio, is an important organisation for cooperation between European administrations. CEPT also provides important fora for European coordination of common positions at conferences of the Universal Postal Union and the International Telecommunication Union.

This page was last updated 12 february 1999 by the editors