Historisk arkiv

nternational Seminar on the Participation of Older People: Senior Citizen Councils and Volunteerism as Agents for Active Ageing

Historisk arkiv

Publisert under: Regjeringen Bondevik I

Utgiver: Sosial- og helsedepartementet

International Seminar on the Participation of Older People:
Senior Citizen Councils and Volunteerism as
Agents for Active Ageing

Soria Moria Conference Centre
Oslo, Norway, 4-5 June 1999

Friday 4 June Chair: Alfred Kvalheim Director General, International Affairs Ministry of Health and Social Affairs, Oslo 09.30 Registration/Coffee 10.00 Welcome by Magnhild Meltveit Kleppa, Norwegian Minister of Social Affairs 10.10 Introduction by Harald Nybølet, Head of Department, Nordic Council of Ministers, Copenhagen 10.25 Active Ageing and Participation of Older People in Europe Fritz von Nordheim Nielsen, Administrator, European Commission, Brussels 10.45 Aspects of Senior Citizen Councils in a Nordic setting, Svein Olav Daatland, Researcher, Norwegian Social Research, Oslo 11.30 Coffebreak 11.50 Paneldiscussion on Senior Citizens Councils in a Nordic setting Chair: Erik Hjorth-Madsen, Chairman, Dane Age, Copenhagen Jon Helgasson, Ministry of Social Affairs, Reykjavik Anne-Mari Raassina, Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, Helsinki Lars Arne Høydal, National Council for the Elderly, Oslo Catharina M. Ekelöf, Ministry of Health and Social Affairs, Stockholm 13.00 Lunch 14.15 Panel discussion: Political participation of older people and active ageing in Russia and the Baltic States Chair: Gunn Franzen Ljung, Under Secretary, Ministry of Health and Social Affairs, Stockholm Aldis Dudins, Ministry of Welfare, Riga Irina Anatolyevna Yerassova, Ministry of Labour and Social Development, Moscow Milli Kikkas, Ministry of Social Affairs, Talinn Audrone Vareikyte, Ministry of Social Affairs and Labour, Vilnius 15.30 Workshops Workshop 1: Political participation of older people and active ageing in Russia and the Baltic States as seen from a Government perspective Chair: Ellen Elster, Ministry of Health and Social Affairs, Oslo Workshop 2: Political participation of older people and active ageing in Russia and the Baltic States as seen from a NGO-perspective Chair: Svein Erik Odden, United Nations Association of Norway, Oslo 17.00 Dinner 19.00 Departure for reception 19.30 Reception, City Hall of Oslo Saturday 5 June Chair: Fredrik Hoffmann Director General, Care policy Ministry of Health and Social Affairs, Oslo 09.00 Report from workshops Friday
Workshop chairpersons 09.30 The role of the voluntary sector in the Nordic countries Terkel Andersen, Chairman, National Voluntary Centre in Denmark, Odense 10.15 Panel discussion: The organisation of the voluntary sector in the Nordic countries Chair: Tullia von Sydow, Member of Parliament, Stockholm Christian Riis, Ældremobiliseringen, Copenhagen Pirkko Karjalainen, The Central Union for Welfare of the Aged, Helsinki Benedikt Davidsson, Icelandic Association of Older People, Reykjavik Solbjørg Thalset, The Norwegian Centre for Voluntary Work, Oslo 11.30 Lunch 13.00 Workshops Workshop 1: Government input and support for voluntary work Chair: Terje Skjeldam, The Norwegian Centre for Voluntary Work, Oslo Workshop 2: The organisation of voluntary work Chair: Pirkko Karjalainen, The Central Union for Welfare of the Aged, Helsinki 14.15 Report from workshops Workshop chairpersons 14.45 Presentations by European organisations and networks for older people: EURAG, Gertrude Dayè, Graz EUROLINK AGE, Christine Marking, Brussels European Network of Older Volunteers, Tom Hoyes, London 15.30 Closing session 16.00 Bus departure for Oslo Central Station and Oslo Airport, Gardermoen 16.30 Dinner for participants leaving on Sunday 6 June This page was last updated 1 June 1999 by the editors