Historisk arkiv

Prime Minster Kjell Magne Bondevik

Closing Speech at Business Seminar

Historisk arkiv

Publisert under: Regjeringen Bondevik I

Utgiver: Statsministerens kontor

Buenos Aires, Argentina, 9 December 1998

Ladies and Gentlemen!

It is a great pleasure to be here in Argentina and to enjoy the hospitality of your country. In May this year, President Menem visited Norway, accompanied by a large business delegation. During his visit in Oslo, the President attended a seminar focusing on business opportunities between Norway and Argentina. I am pleased to have the opportunity to address the follow-up of that seminar - this time organised in Argentina.

In recent years, Argentina, and indeed most of Latin America, has experienced remarkable economic progress. Even if the recent turbulence in the world economy has affected also this region, I am convinced that the present difficulties will be overcome. The ambition of my government to strengthen our relationship with Latin America is in any case of a long-term nature. We are looking beyond the immediate future in our approach to Latin America – we are looking towards the next millennium.

The economic relations between Norway and Argentina have so far been relatively modest. But I am pleased to note that there is a growing interest among Norwegian companies for doing business in Argentina and in Latin-America in general.

This interest for the region has impelled the Norwegian government to take a closer look at Latin America. As a consequence, a Strategic Plan for Latin-America was launched last year. The purpose of the plan is to strengthen Norway's economic, political and cultural relations with Latin America through a systematic and long term effort. My visit to Argentina is a part of that effort.

Within the framework of the Strategic Plan, we have singled out five business sectors for particular attention; the Maritime Sector, Hydro Power, Fish and Fish Products, Oil and Gas, and the Information technology and Telecommunications sector. These are areas where we see a good match between Argentinean and Norwegian companies. It should be noted that all these business sectors are represented in my delegation.

Historically, Norwegian activities in Argentina had to do with shipping. I hope you enjoyed listening to the president of the Norwegian Shipowner’s Association, Mr. Sæther, who gave an overview of what Norway has to offer as one of the major shipping nations in the world today.

Norway is also a major fishing nation. Hence, Norway supplies the Argentine fishing fleet with equipment as well as with vessels. In addition, Norwegian interests are engaged in the Argentinean fishing industry itself.

Norwegian companies are also engaged in the construction sector in Argentina. Of course, this really started years ago, when the famous Norwegian-Argentine architect Cristophersen made the drawings for the San Martin Palace. In present day Argentina, one of Norway's largest companies, Kværner, is party to the bidding process for the construction of the Buenos Aires-Colonia bridge.

Let me conclude by saying that although our commercial relations are modest today, we should build upon what has already been achieved, concentrating our efforts in areas where we have common interests and where we face the same challenges. A first step is to get to know each other and establish closer relations, built on mutual understanding and respect. It is my sincere belief that the visit of President Menem to Norway earlier this year - and this seminar today - have contributed to draw the attention to the opportunities that do exist for expanding the economic relations between Norway and Argentina.

Thank you.