Historisk arkiv

Communiqué issued in connection with Mr. Yasser Arafat's meetings in Oslo on October 10th, 1998

Historisk arkiv

Publisert under: Regjeringen Bondevik I

Utgiver: Utenriksdepartementet

Press Release

Date: 10.10.1998


The President of the Palestinian Authority, Mr. Yasser Arafat, met with the Norwegian Prime Minister, Mr. Kjell Magne Bondevik, and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Knut Vollebaek, on Saturday October 10th in Oslo. The talks in Norway focused on the latest developments in the peace process, and particularly on the economic consequences of further Israeli redeployment, new security arrangements, the opening of an airport in Gaza and an industrial zone on the border between Gaza and Israel, and other issues. The Oslo-talks also focused on the financial aspects of -in case of a breakthrough - upcoming negotiations on final status issues.

Both parties emphasised the crucial importance of maintaining and reinforcing a concerted donor effort through the donor organisation The Ad-Hoc Liaison Committee (AHLC). The President of the Palestinian Authority stated that the Committee will be more important for the development of the Palestinian economy and society in general than ever after a possible break-through and when the final status issues will be addressed. President Arafat praised Norway's role in the AHLC. Both President Arafat and his Norwegian hosts, agreed that there will be no lasting peace if the living-conditions for the Palestinians are not steadily improved.

President Arafat urged the AHLC to convene an extended AHLC meeting at ministerial level back-to-back with a possible breakthrough in the US facilitated talks. This should be followed by an AHLC-meeting in Europe at senior experts level later this autumn back-to-back with the World Bank Consultative Group meeting. New pledges and concerted priorities consistent with the requirements from the political development in the peace process are of vital importance.

President Arafat and his Norwegian counterparts praised and expressed full support of the continued US lead role in order to facilitate an agreement within the next few weeks.

This page was last updated October 12th, 1998 by the editors