Historisk arkiv

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, pressrelease - OSCE Chairman-in-Office condemns atrocities in Kosovo

Historisk arkiv

Publisert under: Regjeringen Bondevik I

Utgiver: Utenriksdepartementet

Press Release

Date: 16 January 1999

OSCE Chairman-in-Office condemns atrocities in Kosovo

The Chairman-in-Office of the OSCE, Foreign Minister Knut Vollebæk of Norway, expressed shock and outrage over the killings of ethnic Albanian Civilians in southern Kosovo on Saturday, January 16. He condemned these atrocities, which were committed against innocent civilians.

Mr. Vollebæk pointed out that early information indicated that the victims had been killed execution-style. This in his view called for an investigation by the Hague International Criminal Tribunal for Former Yugoslavia. He said that he had raised this matter with FRY Foreign Minister Zivadin Jovanovic in a telephone conversation Saturday. The Norwegian OSCE chairmanship had also raised the matter with the head of the Hague Tribunal, Judge Louise Arbour.

The OSCE Chairman-in-Office strongly urged the FRY to put an immediate end to its military activities in Kosovo and avoid any other action that could further raise tension in the region. He expressed dismay concerning the recent upsurge in violence, which was all the more regrettable in light of the restraint which on January 13 led to the release of eight Yugoslav soldiers held captive by the Kosovo Liberation Army.

The Chairman-in-Office urged the parties to comply with the ceasefire and refrain from any activity that could lead to a further deterioration of the already tense situation in Kosovo. He condemned the January 15 attack on OSCE verifiers. He emphasized that the security of verifiers is of paramount importance to the OSCE.

Finally, Minister Vollebæk recalled that a durable solution to the crisis can only be found through political means.

This page was last updated 18 January 1999 by the editors