Historisk arkiv

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, pressrelease - Statement by the Co-Chairs of the Sudan committee of the IGAD Partners Forum, the governments of Italy and Norway, on the ceasefire in Sudan

Historisk arkiv

Publisert under: Regjeringen Bondevik I

Utgiver: Utenriksdepartementet

Press Release

Date: 17 August 1999

Statement by the Co-Chairs of the Sudan committee of the IGAD Partners Forum, the governments of Italy and Norway, on the ceasefire in Sudan

The Co-Chairs of the Sudan Committee of the IGAD Partners Forum (IPF), the Governments of Italy and Norway, welcome the declaration by the Sudan Government of a comprehensive cease-fire for all the areas of military operation in the country, as announced on 5 August to be effective until 15 October. At the same time the IPF Co-Chairs welcome the extension of the humanitarian cease-fire in the Southern Sudan for Bahr al Ghazal and western and central Upper Nile for three months announced by the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement/Army (SPLM/A) in mid July and call upon the SPLM/A to consider extending the scope of the current humanitarian ceasefire.

A cease-fire in the war zones of the Sudan is essential for the provision of humanitarian assistance to the affected civilians and in order for the population in these areas to be able to harvest this season’s crops and to secure their means of living. The IPF Co-Chairs of the Sudan Committee appeal to all the parties of the conflict to respect humanitarian principles, including unrestricted and secure access to areas in need, the security of humanitarian workers and the integrity of relief distribution. The parties of the conflict are especially requested to respect the agreements of the Rome Protocol of the Technical Committee on Humanitarian Assistance (TCHA) to the Sudan, including the further agreements made in the TCHA meeting in Oslo in May this year.

The IPF Co-Chairs of the Sudan Committe call upon all the parties of the conflict to uphold and respect the current ceasefires. The IPF Co-Chairs reiterate their support for a comprehensive and lasting ceasefire for the whole of the Sudan. Such a comprehensive ceasefire would be an important element of confidence building in connection with the negotiations, to be started as soon as possible.

The IPF Co-Chairs fully support the establishment of technical committees for key issues under negotiation, and would especially call on the mediators and the parties to establish a committee for the co-operation on military and security issues and cease-fire monitoring.

Oslo and Rome, 17.august 1999

This page was last updated 17 August 1999 by the editors