Historisk arkiv

Ministry of Foreign Affairs - OSCE Chairman-in-Office comments on the report by Dr. Helena Ranta, Head of the EU Forensic Expert Team, on the Racak atrocity

Historisk arkiv

Publisert under: Regjeringen Bondevik I

Utgiver: Utenriksdepartementet

OSCE Chairman-in-Office comments on the report by Dr. Helena Ranta, Head of the EU Forensic Expert Team, on the Racak atrocity

Oslo, 17 March 1999

The OSCE Chairman-in-Office, Foreign Minister Knut Vollebaek of Norway, notes the publication of the report of the EU Forensic Expert Team on the Racak killings, and expresses his appreciation for the highly professional approach of the team.

The Chairman-in-Office recalls that the EU Forensic Expert Team was only able to begin its investigations approximately one week after the event. As Dr. Ranta points out in her report, this time delay placed certain limitations on the investigations. Despite these limitations, Dr. Ranta has concluded that at least 40 unarmed civilians were killed at approximately the same time in Racak, on or around 15 January 1999.

Dr. Ranta has also concluded there is no indication of post-mortem tampering with bodies or fabrication of evidence. Furthermore, testing for gunshot residues on the victims has been negative. Minister Vollebaek notes Dr. Ranta’s conclusion that there was no indication of the victims being other than unarmed civilians. On this basis the Chairman-in-Office of the OSCE reiterates his statement of 16 January, in which he condemned the Racak atrocity against innocent civilians.

Foreign Minister Vollebaek calls for a thorough criminal investigation of this atrocity and prosecution of those responsible.

This page was last updated 18 March 1999 by the editors