Historisk arkiv

WEUs current role and priorities following Amsterdam and Madrid

Historisk arkiv

Publisert under: Regjeringen Bondevik I

Utgiver: Utenriksdepartementet

Delegation of Norway

Statement by
Foreign Minister Knut Vollebaek

WEUs current role and priorities following Amsterdam and Madrid

Western European Union
Council of Ministers, Erfurt, 18 November 1997
Morning Session

Mr Chairman,

Seven years ago, on 21 August 1990, I participated as State Secretary and the first ever Norwegian politician as a guest at the extraordinary WEU-meeting that took place in Paris to discuss the escalating conflict in the Gulf.

Having just taken up the position as Foreign Minister I am happy to be back in WEU, knowing that the organisation has seen a positive development since my last visit and that Norway now is an associate member.

In the years ahead, regional conflicts and humanitarian emergencies will continue to require effective and rapid international response. The international community must therefore further develop and refine a broad set of instruments for the prevention, limitation and management of conflict. Europeans will have to shoulder a growing share of the responsibility for European security. It is against this background that we support the development of a European crisis management capacity through the WEU. We view the organisation as an effective supplement to NATO in supporting UN and OSCE efforts to maintain peace and international security.

The decisions now taken on increased participation for associate members and observers mean that we have taken a new step towards anchoring WEU crisis managament activities at 18. We commend the German Presidency for facilitating a smooth conclusion of the complicated discussions over the last weeks. The modalities that have been agreed are important for the participation of associate members and observers. They are equally important for the ability of the WEU to respond in an effective and credible manner to a request on behalf of the international community.

Mr Chairman,

We continue to give our full support to the development of the European security and defence identity within the Alliance and to close relations between the WEU and NATO. NATO will lend strength and credibility to an eventual WEU military operation. European crisis management efforts will be stronger with transatlantic backing.

Important decisions were taken in Amsterdam with regard to WEU - EU relations.

These decisions and the useful informal discussions that take place between WEU and EU seem to indicate that associate members could fall outside a significant part of the over all decision-making process for WEU-led crisis management activities.

This appears to be at odds with the development towards increasing participation in planning and decisions for European crisis management.

The WEU is dependent on close relations with NATO and with the EU. The further development of these relations should be accompanied by opportunities for participation in the entire process, by all 18. We feel that this issue merits serious consideration and that an attempt should be made to find flexible solutions.

Norway is and will remain a major contributor to international peace-keeping and humanitarian relief. We devote substantial resources and political efforts to mediation and the prevention and limitation of conflict - in Europe and beyond. It is in this context that we are willing to take on the OSCE Chairmanship in 1999. We will continue to fully support and participate actively in European efforts. The government that took office last month will extend and further develop this policy.

Mr Chairman, I now leave the floor to Norways Minister of Defence.

Thank you, Mr Chairman

This page was last updated 21 November 1997 by the editors