Historisk arkiv

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Historisk arkiv

Publisert under: Regjeringen Bondevik II

Utgiver: Utdannings- og forskningsdepartementet

"The Detailed Work Programme" – en foreløpig vurdering av indikatorene under de ulike målene og delmålene

Strategisk målsetting nr. 1: "Forbedre kvaliteten og effektiviteten i EU sine utdannings- og opplæringssystemer.


Indikatorområder foreslått av rådet

Indikatorer foreslått av ekspertgruppen

1.1: "Improving education and training for teachers and trainers"

1. Shortage/surplus of qualified teacher and trainers on the labour market

1. Age distribution of teachers as a proxy for future requirements together with upper and lower retirement age

2. Progression in number of applicants for training programmes (teachers and trainers)

3. Percentage of teachers and trainers who follow continuous professional training

No indicator

1.2: "Developing skills for the knowledge society"

4. People having completed upper secondary education

2. Percentage of population aged 25-64 with at least upper secondary education

5. Continuous training of teachers

No indicator

6. Reading Literacy Attainment levels

3. Percentage of 15 year olds per country at proficiency levels 1-5 on the PISA reading literacy scale

7. Numeracy/Mathematics literacy attainment levels

4. Percentage of 15 year olds per country at proficiency levels 1-5 on the PISA mathematical literacy scale

8. Learning to learn Attainment levels

No indicator

9. Percentage of adults with less than upper secondary education who have participated in any form of adult education and training, in the last 4 weeks by age group

5. Percentage of adults with less than upper secondary education who have participated in any form of adult education or training, in the last 4 weeks by age group. Two age groups are suggested, namely 25-34 and 55-64

1.3: "Ensuring access to ICT for everyone"

10. Percentage of teachers that have been trained in ICT use in schools.

No indicators in this objective area

11. Percentage of pupils and students using ICT in their students.

12. Percentage of learning sessions in teaching and training institutions in which ICT is used.

1.4: "Increasing recruitment to scientific and technical studies"

13. Increase in number of entries into mathematics, science and technology courses (upper secondary advanced levels and tertiary levels, by gender

6. Students enrolled in mathematics, science and technology as a proportion of all students in tertiary education by sex.

14. Increase in number of graduates in mathematics, science and technology, by gender.

7. Graduates in mathematics, science and technology (ISCED 5-6) as a percentage of all graduates (ISCED 5-6)

15. Increase in number of scientists and engineers in society, by gender

8. Share of tertiary graduats in maths, science and technology per 1000 inhabitants aged 20-29 by sex (Structural indicator)

16. Increase in number of qualified teachers in MST (secondary level)

No indicator

1.5: "Making the best use of resources"

17. Increase in per capita investment in human resources (structural indicator)

Several indicators:

9. Public expenditure n education and training as a percentage of GDB (Structural indicator)

10. Private expenditure on educational institutions as a percentage of GDP

11. Enterprise expenditure on continuing vocational training as a percentage of labour costs

12. Total Expenditure per pupil/student by level of education (PPS)

13. Expenditure on educational institutions per student relative to GDP per capita (PPS)

Strategisk målsetting nr. 2: "Legg til rette slik at alle kan få tilgang til utdanning og opplæring"


Indikatorområder foreslått av rådet

Indikatorer foreslått av ekspertgruppen

2.1: "Open learning environment"

18. Percentage of the population between 25 and 64 participating in education and training (Structural indicator)

14. Percentage of the population between 25 and 64 participating in education and training (structural indicator)

2.2: "Making learning more attractive"

19. Percentage of working time spent by employees on training per age groups

15. Hours in CVT courses per 1000 hours worked (only enterprises with CVT courses), by NACE and by class size

16. Hours in CVT courses by 1000 hours worked (all enterprises), by NACE and by class size

20. Participation in tertiary education

17. Participation rates in education by age and by sex

21. Proportion of the population aged 18-24 with lower secondary education or less and not in education or training (structural indicator)

18. Proportion of the population aged 18-24 with lower secondary education or less and not in education or training (structural indicator)

2.3: "Supporting active citizenship, equal opportunities and social cohesion"

22. Proportion of the population aged 18-24 with lower secondary education or less and not in education or training (structural indicator)

No indicator (see above)

Strategisk målsetting nr. 3 "Åpne opp utdannings- og opplæringssystemene til verden for øvrig"


Indikatorområder foreslått av rådet

Indikatorer foreslått av ekspertgruppen

3.1: "Strengthening the links with working life and research and society at large"

23. Percentage of students and trainees in initial training benefiting from placement arrangements

No indicator

3.2: "Developing the spirit of enterprise"

24. Proportion of self-employed in various sectors of the knowledge economy (particularly age group 25-35)

No indicator

25. Percentage of education and training institutions providing counselling and guidance for setting up a business

3.3: "Improving foreign language learning"

26. Percentage of pupils and students who reach a level of proficiency in two foreign languages

19. Number of foreign languages learnt per pupil at lower/upper secondary general education

20. Percentage of lower/upper secondary pupils learning English, French, German as a foreign language etc.

21. Average number of foreign languages learned at lower/upper secondary education

27. Percentage of language teachers having participated in initial training or in-service training courses involving mobility providing direct contact with the language/culture they teach

No indicator

3.4: "Increasing mobility and exchange"

28. Proportion of national students and trainees carrying out part of their studies in another EU or third country

22. Data on inward and outward mobility of Erasmus students and Leonardo da Vinci trainees

23. Data on inward and outward mobility from Comenius for teachers

29. Proportion of teachers, researchers and academics from other EU countries employed at different educational levels

30. Number and distribution of EU and non-EU students and trainees in education and training

3.5: "Strengthening European co-operation"

31. Proportion of undergraduates and postgraduate students and researchers continuing their studies in another EU or third country

32. Percentage of graduates obtaining joint degrees in Europe

33. Percentage of students and trainees within ECTS or EUROPASS and/or obtaining Diploma/Certificate Supplement