Historisk arkiv

Status of Norwegian contributions to ISAF and "Enduring Freedom"

Historisk arkiv

Publisert under: Regjeringen Bondevik II

Utgiver: Forsvarsdepartementet

(04.11.03) Since January 2002 Norway has been involved in two operations in Afghanistan and the surrounding areas.

Status of Norwegian contributions to ISAF and "Enduring Freedom"

(04.11.03) Since January 2002 Norway has been involved in two operations in Afghanistan and the surrounding areas. One is the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) whose principal mission has been to stabilise the situation in and around the capital Kabul. The other is the United States led operation “Enduring Freedom”, the main aim of which is to combat al-Qaeda’s terrorist network.

The status of present and previous Norwegian force contributions to operations in Afghanistan is as follows:


Guard and Security Force

On 4 November 2003 the Government decided to respond positively to a request from NATO for a guard and security company as a contribution to the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) in Afghanistan. The mission of the Norwegian force, consisting of a motorised infantry company from the Telemark Battalion will, in the first instance, be to help to ensure the safe implementation of the process by which the Afghan “Grand Council”, or Loya Jirga, convenes to agree on a new constitution for Afghanistan. The intention is to have the force operational by the end of November.

Civil-Military Cooperation (CIMIC) Unit

Since February 2003 Norway has contributed a CIMIC unit of 14 personnel in support of ISAF. The unit has been working in northwest Kabul to prepare the way for the rebuilding/rehabilitation of roads, schools, hospitals and other important elements of the local infrastructure with a mission completion date of February 2003.

Medical/Surgical Unit

Since September 2003 Norway has contributed a medical/surgical unit of 40 persons. The unit is responsible for the intensive treatment of ISAF personnel and works within the German field hospital located at Kabul International Airport. This unit is due to complete its mission in February 2004.

Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) personnel 15-20 EOD specialists have been working to clear, or make safe, a range of dangerous explosive items in and around Kabul over the period February 2002 to February 2003. The special expertise of these soldiers is in great demand and during this period Norway had the lead responsibility for ISAF’s explosive clearance activities.

Movement Control A movement control team of 10 was stationed at Kabul Airport during the period February-May 2002. This team managed personnel transport, loading and unloading and other groundside functions at the airport.


Special Forces Contingents from the Naval Ranger Command and the Norwegian Army’s Ranger Command have taken part in United States led operations together with special forces units from a number of other nations. These personnel have undergone special training in a range of military skills, including operations in difficult winter conditions. Norway has twice deployed special forces units in Afghanistan, during the first half of 2002 and then again during the period from March to September 2003.

F-16 combat aircraft During the period from October 2002 to March 2003, Norway has deployed six F-16 combat aircraft in support of operations in Afghanistan. The aircraft were based at Manas, close to Bishkek, the capital of Kyrgyzstan. This was a mission carried out in cooperation with Denmark and the Netherlands which each contributed a similar number of aircraft. The principal mission was to provide close air support for forces taking part in operation “Enduring Freedom” and, if necessary to provide support for the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF). About 130 Norwegian personnel were involved, including aircrew and ground support personnel.

Mine clearance 15 mine clearance specialists, equipped with two Hydrema mine clearing vehicles, commenced work in early January 2002 on the task of clearing mines in Afghanistan – initially on the airport at Kandahar and subsequently at the Bagram Air Base located just north of Kabul. The fact that these two important airfields have become key centres for air operations is largely due to the work of the Norwegian mine clearance teams. This mission ended in May 2002.

Transport aircraft One C-130 Hercules transport aircraft was stationed at Manas during the period from April to October 2002. This aircraft was used to fly both personnel and supplies into Afghanistan. Some 60 Norwegians were involved in this operation. The Norwegian personnel worked together with corresponding contingents from Denmark and the Netherlands.

Airborne surveillance By way of support for operation “Enduring Freedom”, Norwegian crews have participated in the surveillance of United States airspace. This operation, “Eagle Assist”, involved the use of AWACS aircraft and was concluded in May 2002.

In operation “Active Endeavour”, conducted by NATO in the Mediterranean, Norway has been participating with both frigates and submarines since autumn 2001. Most recently, over the period from March to October 2003, four Norwegian MTBs have been deployed to take part in patrolling the Straights of Gibraltar.