Historisk arkiv

Programme for visit by EU Commissioner Dr. Joe Borg to Norway 24 — 27 February

Historisk arkiv

Publisert under: Regjeringen Bondevik II

Utgiver: Fiskeri- og kystdepartementet

Programme for visit by EU Commissioner Dr. Joe Borg to Norway 24 – 27 February

Friday 25. February

09.15: Lecture given by commissioner Joe Borg at NHH followed by a media briefing.

11.15: Demonstration of the auction system for pelagic fish.(Norwegian Pelagic Sales Organisation - NPSO).

13.30: Political discussions between commissioner Dr. Joe Borg and Minister of Fisheries- and coastal affairs, Mr. Svein Ludvigsen, to be held at The Directorate of Fisheries

16.00: Programme at the Directorate of Fisheries.

Fisheries Managements issues by the Director General of Fisheries, Mr. Peter Gullestad, assisted by Research director Mr. Ole Arve Misund, Institute of Marine Research:

  • Satellite tracking system
  • Discard policy
  • Ecosystem based management
  • North Sea challenges

Saturday 26. February

09.00: Visit to Bergen Fiskeindustri AS, Bontelabo 8

10.30: Excursion on board the Coast guard vessel KV Garsøy, departing from Bergen Fiskeindustri AS to the fishery community of Austevoll. Introduction to the role of the Coast Guard in Norway on board.

12.30: Lunch at Bekkjarvik Guest House. Short introduction to Austevoll by the mayor, Mr. Helge Andre Njaastad

13.30: Meeting with representatives from the Norwegian fishing industry, Mr. Inge Halstensen (K. Halstensen AS) and Mr. Tor Østervold (Shipman AS).

15.00: Visit to Institute of Marine Research’s research station, Austevoll (Research on marine fish in aqua culture) Alternative visit to a fish farm, owned and operated by the Møgster Group