Historisk arkiv

Music Information beyond Politics, Market, and Media

Historisk arkiv

Publisert under: Regjeringen Bondevik II

Utgiver: Kultur- og kirkedepartementet

State Secretary Yngve Slettholm

Music Information beyond Politics, Market, and Media

Opening of the International conference celebrating the Music Information Centre Norway’s 25th anniversary, Bergen, 27. May 2004

Ladies and Gentlemen, distinguished guests,

It is indeed a great pleasure for me to open this international conference celebrating the Music Information Centre Norway’s 25th anniversary. I am also pleased to welcome you to Bergen during the Bergen International Festival. I hope you will find time to combine this conference with the Festival's exciting concert and theatre programme.

Music Information Centre Norway was established in 1979. The Norwegian Society of Composers and Arts Council Norway initiated the founding. The original goal of the new organisation was to disseminate information and distribute Norwegian music, domestically and internationally. At the time, and in this context, Norwegian music was defined as “serious protected music by Norwegian composers”.

The music scene has changed a lot since 1979. During the last 25 years we have seen a tremendous development in the field of music, characterised by increased internationalisation and a dynamic interaction between different genres and styles. In this situation, there is a need for organisations and funding schemes that recognise that quality can emerge and develop regardless of genres.

Music Information Centre Norway has developed in accordance with the evolution in the field of music. In 2003 the organisation was renamed, and the statements of intentions where broadened. Today MIC’s main objective is to give information about and promote all parts of the professional Norwegian music life. Their target group now includes composers, performers and other participants representing the entire scale of musical expressions. The organisation has very well succeeded in combining experience and competence accumulated during the past 25 years with new responsibilities.

Music is often characterised by being international by nature. Historically, composers and performers have operated in an international field under constant impact of impulses from different parts of the world. Today globalisation is making the music scene even more dynamic and vital. However, in a global market, it is crucial to make an effort to disseminate and promote the qualities of art. In this situation, the IAMIC network and each individual IAMIC member will play an increasingly important role.

I would like to commend Music Information Centre Norway both on its significant work on behalf of Norwegian musical life, and on its initiative leading to this international conference. Continuous input of knowledge is required to meet the new challenges and take advantage of the new possibilities in a cultural sector characterised by fundamental and rapid changes. The conference program presents the opportunity to share knowledge, experience and expertise. I want to express my wishes that the conference will also strengthen international collaboration and networking.

With these words I would like to open the conference, and wish you an enjoyable stay in Bergen.