Historisk arkiv

Opening address at the international press conference for Stavanger 2008

Historisk arkiv

Publisert under: Regjeringen Bondevik II

Utgiver: Kultur- og kirkedepartementet

Stavanger, 15. september 2004

Minister of Culture and Church Affairs Valgerd Svarstad Haugland

Opening address at the international press conference for Stavanger 2008

Stavanger, 15. september 2004

Ladies and gentlemen,

The 27th May this year was an important day for Norwegian culture. On this day, Stavanger and surrounding region was designated to become the European Capital of Culture 2008 together with Liverpool. For Norway, this is, an opportunity to explore and promote Norwegian culture in interaction with European culture and at a European level.

I believe that this designation also is important for European culture. I know that the organisers in Stavanger are all working hard to find new innovative ways to present European, national and local culture in a Capital of Culture context. To enrich both European and national culture is maybe the most important aspect of the European Capital of Culture event.

Stavanger, Sandnes and Rogaland have demonstrated how a small city and region can make great dreams come true. The key word has from the beginning been enthusiasm. The local community got the idea, and would not let it go. Through enthusiasm – and hard work – Stavanger 2008 managed to convince local, national and at last European authorities. They have shown that they have what it takes to create a cultural event of European scale and importance. Personally, I am proud of what Stavanger has achieved so far. I am looking forward not only to the celebrations in 2008, but also to the preparation years. I believe that the effects of the event will last well beyond 2008.

One of the aspects of the programme that was particularly emphasised by the EU, was the broad involvement of the public in the programme. I am glad to hear that there is already an amazing interest in the Stavanger 2008 project from the people citizens in the region. I have been told that many already have offered to volunteer. People come to the organisers to ask how they best can contribute! And in addition to this, a large number of interesting, high quality projects from all parts of Europe is being presented to Stavanger. This comes in addition to the projects that were presented in the application. We have a lot to look forward to!

Stavanger 2008 has demonstrated great enthusiasm for the Capital of Culture project. I hope this enthusiasm will rub off as much on you as it has done on me. It is a great pleasure to welcome you all to this press conference.