Historisk arkiv

Norwegian open for disabled 2005

Historisk arkiv

Publisert under: Regjeringen Bondevik II

Utgiver: Kultur- og kirkedepartementet

Oslo 10. juni 2005.

The Minister of Culture and Church Affairs, Valgerd Svarstad Haugland

Norwegian open for disabled 2005

Oslo 10. juni 2005.

On behalf of the Norwegian Government and the Ministry responsible for sports, it is a great pleasure for me to welcome you all to the Norwegians Open for Disabled 2005.

Norwegian Open was first organized 2 years ago, with participations from 18 nations. I am impressed by the fact that this number has increased, and that 21 nations are represented here today.

The Norwegian Government is doing its autmoust to ensure full equality and active participation for persons with disabilities, both in general daily life and within the area of sport. It is important therefore to integrate persons with disabilities into organized sport activities. The Ministry of Culture and Church Affairs allocates financial grants to the Norwegian Olympic Committee and Confederation of Sports to support their integration.

The Norwegian Open provides an excellent opportunity to promote the Table Tennis sport and demonstrate the value and significance of sport for persons with disabilities. However, this tournament is also a support to you, the athletes, and an suppom of your great achievements. You all serve as examples to others for inspiration and empowerment!

It is therefore an honour and a great pleasure for me to declare this second Norwegian Open officially opened. I hope that you will enjoy your stay here in Oslo, and I wish you all the best of luck in the tournament.