Historisk arkiv

Metropolis Rotterdam Conference newsletter

Historisk arkiv

Publisert under: Regjeringen Bondevik II

Utgiver: Kommunal- og regionaldepartementet

Mrs. Erna Solberg, Minister of Local Government and Regional Development

Mrs. Erna Solberg, Minister of Local Government and Regional Development.

Metropolis Rotterdam Conference newsletter

Mrs. Erna Solberg, Minister of Local Government and Regional Development

- Welcome to Norway and Oslo for the 7th International Metropolis conference, says Mrs. Erna Solberg, recently appointed Minister of the Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development. She is responsible minister for the refugee, immigration and integration policy in Norway, as well as the policy concerning national minorities and the Saami. To the Minister`s rich political portfolio also belongs the policy concerning the development of cities, regions and housing.

- The overall theme Togetherness in Difference chosen for the Oslo Metropolis conference, which will be held the second week of September 2002, corresponds well with the value platform of the present government, says Mrs. Solberg. The Minister adds that she embraces the original idea of the Metropolis project to have more focus on the integration aspects of international migration, with a particular focus on how cities are impacted.

- As international migration issues are complex we have to deal with them in a comprehensive manner, says Mrs. Solberg. The 4 sub-themes proposed for the Oslo 2002 Metropolis conference – globalisation and the politics of migration, empowerment and the effectiveness of citizenship, the impact of cities from migration and gender in migration – she thinks will highlight the most burning political and research issues at stake at the moment. She also appreciates the uniqueness of the Metropolis project as the only network and meeting place where the producers and consumers of knowledge come together to engage in these complex questions.

Internationalisation has led to immigration to Norway from all parts of the world. Consequently, the Norwegian society today is more multiethnic and encompasses a larger variety of languages, religions and opinions of what is «the good life» than only two decades ago.

- We think of this diversity as an enrichment of our society, but we also recognise that it creates challenges, says the Minister. - We look forward to discuss openly these challenges and share our experiences with those of other countries in the Oslo 2002 conference.

The Minister thinks a main challenge in our societies is to find ways of coexistence based on respect for individuality and diversity.

- This is particularly important in the aftermath of 11 th> September, she points out. - A successful integration policy must be based on the principles of equal opportunities, the acceptance of difference and the responsibilities of citizenship. It is especially important that children and young immigrants take part in society. Another main key to integration is economical integration through labour market participation, and we must work harder to achieve that more people among our present immigrant population find jobs.

At the same time her government will look for ways to relax the regulations of labour-based immigration to Norway. She is particularly keen to learn from the experiences of other countries how to balance the need for more labour immigration with the need to achieve that more of the already unemployed immigrants join the workforce.

Finally, the Minister says she is delighted that the Oslo conference also will focus on gender in migration and the principle of equality between the sexes concerning possibilities, obligations and choice. It is the first time, she understands, that a Metropolis conference brings this issue high on the agenda.