Historisk arkiv

Statements and interactive discussions focusing on human settlements

Historisk arkiv

Publisert under: Regjeringen Bondevik II

Utgiver: Kommunal- og regionaldepartementet

Intervention by Ms Erna Solberg, Minister of Local Government and Regional Development at CSD 12 NY, High-level segment 30 April 2004. (03.05.2004)

Ms Erna Solberg, Minister of Local Government and Regional Development, Norway

Statements and interactive discussions focusing on human settlements

Intervention at CSD 12 NY, High-level segment 30 April 2004

Mr. Chairman,

The review of human settlements issues at this session of the CSD leaves no doubt that we must give priority to the fight against urban poverty. Urban poverty is the most serious barrier to a sustainable urban development, and we cannot achieve sustainable global development without sustainable cities.

This review session has emphasised good practices, and we have heard several success stories that give us hope. But what we have done so far, is not enough. Now it is time to scale up our efforts.

Mr. Chairman,

Sustainable cities are inclusive cities. This is a challenge even in many western cities. People from non-european countries living in these cities are too often unsufficiently included in the society. Many live in poverty, lack social capital - and experiance discrimination and exclusion. This is not tolerable and definitely not sustainable.

Local empowerment is essential for fighting poverty. Effective and transparent governance, decentralization of authority and adequate funding at the local level are needed to make such mobilisation possible. Local governments must be strenghtened. The local business community must be engaged. Perhaps most importantly, the local community groups, the internal entrepeneurs, the women, must be recognized and engaged as key agents of change in the cities.

The right to adequate housing and secure tenure for everyone are instrumental for improving access to basic services. It is key to poverty eradication. Unless people have some form of security of tenure they neither can nor will start the process of improving their dwellings and their communities. Securing formal property rights will stimulate economic activity by providing security for entrepeneurs, and open up new possibilities for financing.

ODA, and other sources of aid financing, are essential for the eradication of poverty. The Norwegian Government which is at present at 0.94 per cent of BNI, is committed to increase our contributions still further. Donor countries need to increase their efforts in securing sufficient financing to reach the MDGs. ODA funds are particularly important as “seed money”, triggering off financial resources at national and local levels, acting as catalyses to generate new public private partnerships.

UN-Habitat is playing a lead role internationally in guiding us to meet the MDG 7 Target 11. Habitat’s efforts and those of other organisations in implementing the MDGs - and the role of the CSD in monitoring challenges and formulating policies, are of the utmost importance.

Norway is currently increasing its financial support to UN Habitat. I can assure you that Norway will continue to support our common efforts to improve the lives of at least 100 million slum-dwelles by 2020.

In addition, we clearly need the inspiring and crucial efforts of people such as Hernando de Soto. The efforts of strengthening the rule of law to the advantage of poor people deserve our full support.

I thank you, Mr. Chairman.