Historisk arkiv

Food Policy: New Action Plan

Historisk arkiv

Publisert under: Regjeringen Bondevik II

Utgiver: Landbruks- og matdepartementet

Food Policy: The Action Plan for Consumer Orientation of Food Policy is now available in english. The primary goal is to strenghten the consumers position in the marketplace. (13.12.2004)

Food Policy: New Action Plan

Food Policy: The Action Plan for Consumer orientation of Food Policy is now available in english. The plan has as a primary goal to strenghten the consumers position in the marketplace with regard to information, labelling and other rights.

Food Policy Consumer Panels
It also aims to give the consumers direct influence on the food policy process throug giving them direct acsess to the political level. The main project in this regard is the Food Policy Consumer Panels. This is a forum for dialouge between consumers and political authorities, it is established in 7 regions in Norway and consists of 63 ordinary consumers. They meet twice a year for gruop discussions. Reports are presented at open meetings with responsible cabinet ministers.

Joint venture
The plan is a joint venture between the Ministry of Agriculture and Food, The Ministry of Fisheries and Coastal Affairs, The Ministry of Health and Care Services and the Ministry of Children and Family Affairs.

Food policy
The Action Plan for Consumer Orientation of Food Policy has as a primary goal to strenghten the consumers position in the market place.

13. desember 2004