Historisk arkiv

Chinese-Norwegian Environmental Co-operation, Environment Workshop 22.Jan. 2002

Historisk arkiv

Publisert under: Regjeringen Bondevik II

Utgiver: Miljøverndepartementet

Environment Work Shop:

Chinese-Norwegian Environmental Co-operation

Beijing, China World Hotel, 0900-1330
Tuesday 22 January 2002

Chair: Mr. Zhang Shigang Department of International Cooperation, SEPA

0900 Introduction

  • Welcome
  • Opening Statement by Minister of Environment Xie Zhenhua
  • Opening Statement by Minister of Environment Borge Brende
  • Environmental Co-operation between China and Norway,
  • Director Tove Strand, NORAD

0930: Scientific basis for National and International Emission Reductions

  • Building a National Statistical System to Assess Environmental Performance and Health and Economic Impacts from Pollution

Representative from Chinese National Bureau of Statistics

  • Policies, measures and experiences of acid rain in Norway and Europe

Espen Lydersen, the Norwegian Institute for Water Research (NIVA)

  • Application of International Standardized Monitoring Program on Acid Rain in China (IMPACTS)

Tang Dagang, Chinese Academy of Environmental Sciences (CRAES)

1000-1015: Statement by the Norwegian Prime Minister

1020-1040: Tea/coffee break

  • Chair: Ms. Tove Strand, NORAD

1045-1115: The plan, policies, measures and problems of acid rain control in China

  • Air Pollution Control Division, Pollution Control Department, SEPA

1120-1150The economic and policy analysis of acid rain in China

  • Mr. Zou Ji, Co-chairman of IV WG of IMPACTS, Renmin University
  • Chair: Mr. Zou Ji

1155-1225The economic and policy analysis of acid rain in Norway and Europe

  • Mr. Valter Angell, Project Leader of IMPACTS NIPI, Norway
  1. Discussion and question
  • All Participants