Historisk arkiv

COP 8 - Speech by Minister of the Environment Børge Brende

Historisk arkiv

Publisert under: Regjeringen Bondevik II

Utgiver: Miljøverndepartementet

COP 8 - Speech by Minister of the Environment Børge Brende

Speech by Minister of the Environment Børge Brende, UN Conference on Climate Change, COP 8,
New Delhi 31. Oct. 2002

Mr. Chairman,

Let me make some summary remarks focused on a declaration we would like to see from this meeting.

A declaration needs to urge for ratification of the Kyoto Protocol and should reflect our expectation of entry into force of the Protocol in 2003.

A declaration has to take account of the Third Assessment Report of the IPCC, and confirm the need for a political response to the report. A declaration needs to send the clear political message that more and broader action is needed. It should initiate a dialogue on further action beyond 2012 – a more ambitious global regime.

A declaration should include the aim to substantially increase the global shares of renewable and new renewable energy sources as crucial elements in a strategy on climate change and sustainable development.

As has been stated by many during this roundtable, the CDM should be a vehicle for support of sustainable development and renewable energy. Both Parties and the private sector should be urged to engage in CDM activities contributing to sustainable development in developing countries.

A Delhi declaration should be short and to the point, in a language that is understandable to the public. It should be forward-looking, and should reflect the sense of urgency that we all should feel in light of the scientific information before us.

Thank you Mr. Chairman