Historisk arkiv

Air services relations between the Scandinavian countries and the People's Republic of China

Historisk arkiv

Publisert under: Regjeringen Bondevik II

Utgiver: Samferdselsdepartementet

Mrs. Torild Skogsholm, Norwegian Minister of Transport and Communications, together with Mr. Yang Guoqing, Vice Minister, General Administration of Civil Aviation of China (CAAC), signed today an Understanding regarding the development of air services relations between the Scandinavian countries and the People’s Republic of China. (19.05.04)


Nr.: 66/04
Dato: 19.05.04

Air services relations between the Scandinavian countries and the People’s Republic of China

Mrs. Torild Skogsholm, Norwegian Minister of Transport and Communications, together with Mr. Yang Guoqing, Vice Minister, General Administration of Civil Aviation of China (CAAC), signed today an Understanding regarding the development of air services relations between the Scandinavian countries and the People’s Republic of China. Mrs. Skogsholm signed the Understanding on behalf of the Aeronautical Authorities of Norway, Denmark and Sweden.

The new understanding allows for a substantial increase of the capacity entitlement on the specified routes between Scandinavia and China, and more than one designated airline from each Party will now be allowed to operate on these routes. In addition all-cargo flights will be liberalised step-by-step and will be fully liberalised as from 2009.

This new Understanding was negotiated in Beijing on 13 – 14 May 2004 by a joint Scandinavian delegation representing the Aeronautical Authorities of Norway, Denmark and Sweden, and a delegation representing the Aeronautical Authorities of the People’s Republic of China.

The Understanding between the Aeronautical Authorities of Norway, Denmark and Sweden, and the Aeronautical Authorities of the People’s Republic of China is of a provisional character pending next round of negotiations when it may be amended with a view to further expand the civil aviation relations between the Parties.