Historisk arkiv

Nordic cooperation on European football championships 2008

Historisk arkiv

Publisert under: Regjeringen Bondevik II

Utgiver: Statsministerens kontor

Press release

No.: 84/2002
Date: 12 May 2002

Nordic cooperation on European
football championships 2008

At their summer session in Molde, Norway today, Nordic Prime Ministers Kjell Magne Bondevik (Norway), David Oddsson (Iceland), Paavo Lipponen (Finland), Göran Persson (Sweden) and Anders Fogh Rasmussen (Denmark) supported plans by the Nordic football associations to host the final tournaments of the European Football Championships in 2008. The Prime Ministers stated:

“We, the Prime Ministers of the five Nordic countries, have duly noted efforts being made by our national football associations to host the 2008 Final Tournament of the European Football Championships in the Nordic countries.

The Nordic countries are closely interwoven in nearly every field, be it on the governmental or non-governmental level.

This also very much applies to collaboration in sports.

Filing a joint Nordic application for UEFA EURO2008 is a natural and logical step in our long tradition of working together. Such joint arrangements, furthermore, make it possible for smaller countries to host events of this magnitude.

The Nordic countries have demonstrated on many occasions their ability to organise major sports events efficiently. We are convinced that UEFA EURO2008 will be no exception.

We, the Nordic Prime Ministers, therefore give the national football associations our full support and wish them every success in their efforts to host the UEFA EURO2008 Final Tournament.

Molde, 12 May 2002

Anders Fogh Rasmussen
Prime Minister

Paavo Lipponen
Prime Minister

David Oddsson
Prime Minister

Kjell Magne Bondevik
Prime Minister

Göran Persson
Prime Minister