Historisk arkiv

"Israel's withdrawal from Gaza crucial to peace efforts"

Historisk arkiv

Publisert under: Regjeringen Bondevik II

Utgiver: Statsministerens kontor

Press release

No.: 154/2005
Date: 25 August 2005

Prime Minister after Middle East talks:

"Israel's withdrawal from Gaza
crucial to peace efforts"

Norwegian Prime Minister Kjell Magne Bondevik today had telephone conversations on the Israeli withdrawal from Gaza and parts of the West Bank, with Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas.

Mr. Bondevik underlined the importance of Israel's historic withdrawal of settlements. To the Israeli Prime Minister he expressed his approval of Mr. Sharon's courage and firmness, while he commended Mr. Abbas with having contributed with maximum of calmness during the withdrawal.

"The parties must now use the new opportunities for peace in the Middle East", Mr. Bondevik says. He challenged the two leaders to continue peace efforts and to start implementing the road map for peace.

In his talks with Mr. Sharon and Mr. Abbas the Prime Minister also discussed how to overcome various hindrances for peace. This does not the least concern terrorism and lack of legal rights, as well as problems linked to the West Bank settlement Maleh Adumim and expropriations connected to the security barrier. On the Israeli as well as on the Palestinian side the view is that the climate for the peace process will improve if one is able to secure a more positive economic development in the Palestinian Areas.