Historisk arkiv

Prime Minister Kjell Magne Bondevik

Speech at Annual Meeting in PD Burma

Historisk arkiv

Publisert under: Regjeringen Bondevik II

Utgiver: Statsministerens kontor

Oslo, 9 December 2001

Prime Minister Kjell Magne Bondevik

Speech at the Annual Meeting in PD Burma

Hotel Royal Christiania, Oslo, 9 December 2001

Dear friends and members of PD Burma,

Good morning.

I am honoured to be able to join you for the annual meeting of PD Burma.

This year, we celebrate the 10 th> anniversary of the awarding of the Nobel Peace Prize to Aung San Suu Kyi.

Today, we are gathered to call for her release and the restoration of democracy in Burma.

Our meeting comes at a time when the focus of the world is far from Rangoon.

The situation in Afghanistan and the Middle East is on everyone’s mind and of deep concern to us all.

But we do not forget our obligation and dedication to the tragedy of Burma. We do not forget our responsibility to support Nobel Peace Prize laureate Aung San Suu Kyi and the thousands of political prisoners there.

That is the mission of PD Burma – to organise political leaders throughout the world to support an outstanding leader, a just cause and a desperate people.

I am proud to be part of that movement. And I am proud of the extraordinary achievements of PD Burma over the last year.

Your dedication has resulted in an unprecedented international show of support for Aung San Suu Kyi and the restoration of democracy in Burma, led by Nobel Peace Prize laureates present here in Oslo these days.

Now comes the next critical phase. We have to seize the momentum of yesterday’s international events, of the The Nobel Peace Laureates Campaign for Aung San Suu Kyi and the People of Burma, and of the declaration that over 2900 members of parliament from all over the world have signed.

It is key that we incorporate this extended network of supporters in the plans that you make for next year.

We are honoured to have Archbishop Desmond Tutu with us here this morning. You have been a member of the PD Burma network for a long time. Yet we have not had the chance to meet with you and discuss the issue of Burma until now.


Your commitment to Aung San Suu Kyi and the people of Burma is important to our success.

It is therefore a pleasure for all of us that you have agreed to take on the role as honorary chair of the PD Burma network. And it is of great significance that you will continue The Nobel Peace Laureate Campaign for Aung San Suu Kyi and the People of Burma.

Ladies and gentlemen,

I am also pleased to introduce you to Marit Arnstad. I have known her for many years as a Member of the Norwegian Parliament, and she served as minister of petroleum and energy during my previous administration.

Due to my present position I have had to step down from my appointment as chairperson.

Thus, I am honoured to propose to you Marit Arnstad as my successor.

I hope you will consider her candidature favourably. I know she would serve the cause well.

For my part, I will continue to follow developments in Burma and the work that you all do closely.


Our work is not finished. It might not even be finished soon. Yet we are approaching our goal – a free and democratic Burma.

Let us all continue our efforts.

Thank you for your attention.