Historisk arkiv

Prime Minister Kjell Magne Bondevik

Speech at Alexandra Township

Historisk arkiv

Publisert under: Regjeringen Bondevik II

Utgiver: Statsministerens kontor

Johannesburg, South Africa, 4 September 2002

Prime Minister Kjell Magne Bondevik

Speech at Alexandra Township

Johannesburg, Saouth Africa, 4 September 2002

Dear Minister Mashatile, Mrs. Creecy, friends,

First of all, let me express my sincere thanks to Mr. Paul Mashatile, Provincial Minister of Housing and Mrs. Barbara Creecy, Chair of the Education Committee for hosting this most interesting visit to Alexandra Township.

I am very much aware of Alexandra’s historic role in the South African liberation struggle, and its important contribution to South African music, literature and art.

I am also aware of the tremendous challenges facing Alexandra in terms of poverty, unemployment, overcrowding and lack of infrastructure.

In this context I would like to pay tribute to the efforts of the Alexandra Renewal Project (ARP), which includes the national, provincial and local government, the Greater Alexandra community, the private sector, non-governmental organisations and community-based organisations.

The aim of the Alexandra Renewal Project is to radically change the physical, social and economic environment of Alexandra and to provide services at an affordable and sustainable level.

Furthermore, the Project aims at making Alexandra “green”, also through the planting of trees. I think that the motto of the Alexandra Renewal Program – “We are in this together”- very aptly describes the involvement of all major shareholders in these efforts.

The Alexandra renewal Project is sustainable development in practice.

In connection with the World Summit on Sustainable Development, the Government of Norway has contributed 8 million Rand to the JOWSCO media centre.

After the World Summit, the IT-equipment, the PCs and the library facilities of the JOWSCO media centre will be utilized in the Community Centre that will be built here.

As a small contribution to the Alexandra Renewal Project, I would call on Mrs. Barbara Creecy, Chair of the Education Committee, to accept a cheque of 30 000 Rand. The amount is to be used for the purchase of soccer goals, jungle gyms and other equipment to a playground which is to be established at this spot once it has been cleared of the present structures and rubble.

Finally, let me thank the people of Alexandra for giving me such a warm welcome during my visit to the Township. You have given me an unforgettable glimpse of your fascinating community. I hope to be able to come back to Alexandra at a later occasion to see the progress that has been made since my visit here today.

Thank you all.