Historisk arkiv

Prime Minister Kjell Magne Bondevik

Greeting to ICA General Assembly

Historisk arkiv

Publisert under: Regjeringen Bondevik II

Utgiver: Statsministerens kontor

Oslo, 3 September 2003

Prime Minister Kjell Magne Bondevik

Greeting to ICA General Assembly (International Co-operative Alliance)

Oslo, 3 September 2003

Mr President,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

It gives me great pleasure to extend to all of you a very warm welcome to Oslo and Norway. The 2003 General Assembly of the International Co-operative Alliance is the first ever ICA General Assembly to be held in Norway.

The ICA is represented in more than 100 countries. It has more than 750 million members. These are indeed impressive figures. They demonstrate the important role that the co-operative movement plays internationally. They demonstrate the added value of working together to meet common challenges, be they on the local, national or international level.

The ICA makes a difference in peoples' lives in a broad spectre of sectors. The co-operative movement is active in core areas of society such as agriculture and fisheries, banking and insurance, health and housing, communications and energy, tourism and gender.

In Norway the co-operative movement has contributed in important ways to the development of our welfare society.

The co-operative movement has a long-standing record in contributing to social progress and social equality in Norway. Agricultural, fisheries, consumer and housing co-operatives have produced concrete results and have over the years made a difference in people’s everyday lives.

The Norwegian agricultural co-operative movement started already back in the 1850’s when the first small dairy co-operative was established. Agricultural co-operatives have since been key factors in developing not merely agriculture but also much needed local businesses in rural areas.

In the housing sector, housing co-operatives were key partners in implementing the social housing policy after the Second World War. The objective was to provide affordable housing for the population. In Oslo close to 40% of all housing is co-operative. On the national level the figure is 15%.

Furthermore, co-operatives are organised in many other parts of social and economic life in Norway – ranging from business co-operatives in areas such as transport and energy supply to smaller co-operatives in health care, school, local radio and TV-production, and child care.

As a child, I grew up in a small town on the Norwegian west coast. The co-operative movement was also active in my part of the country. I still remember as a boy that it was among the highlights to buy sweets in the local co-operative grocery store.

The consumer co-operation, which includes local co-operative shops like the one I used as a little boy, is now a significant player in the national economy and is responsible for 25% of the retail market in Norway.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

When the modern co-operative movement was established in Norway, the inspiration and knowledge was collected from abroad. Today Norwegian co-operatives in their turn use the experience they have gained and serve as an inspiration for co-operatives in other countries.

The theme for this General Assembly is “Co-operatives for Democratic, Social and Economic Development”. The ICA has a key role to play in promoting co-operative development in developing countries and in countries in transition.

The values that have inspired and guided the co-operative movement are just as valid today as they were 150 years ago when the very first co-operative was established in Rochdale. Self-help, self-responsibility, democracy, equality, equity and solidarity are indispensable in the development of local communities, for nations as well as on the international level.

Today the world faces serious challenges. We must combat poverty. We must safeguard the environment. We must fight against terror. We must use every opportunity promote these values. Co-operation and common efforts based on democracy, solidarity and respect for human rights, is the best way to meet challenges and get results to the benefit of all of us.

Finally, Ladies and Gentlemen,

I wish you all a successful General Assembly and a very pleasant stay in Norway.